A WordPress URL rewrite rule to phase out year/month folders in the Media Library

This is one of those fixes where it is probably worth me explaining the very specific use case I needed it for first, to serve as an example of exactly why anyone would need this, because on the surface it may seem pointless.

Picture this: Restaurant client. Table cards with QR codes linking directly to menu PDFs, so customers can look at the menu on their phones instead of using a physical print menu that has been handled by dozens of other people.

Note to the future: I’m not sure what the restaurant experience looks like in your world. What I’m describing may be ubiquitous for you now, or may be a complete head-scratcher. Assuming it’s safe for you to touch your head. For context, I am writing this in the midst of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.

Here’s the problem: Menus change. URLs referenced by a QR code do not. By default, WordPress automatically creates year and month subfolders inside wp-content/uploads and puts files in the folder for the year and month the post they’re attached to was created, or if you’re uploading directly into the Media Library, not attached to a post, then the year and month the file was uploaded.

So that means that the URLs embedded in my client’s QR codes contain 2020/09. But now it’s October, so if they upload a replacement file today, its URL will contain 2020/10 and the QR code will not work. I should note at this point that I do not like the default WordPress behavior of putting files into these subfolders, but I sometimes forget to turn off this setting when I’m creating a new site, or — as is the case here — I’m working on a site someone else originally set up.

My solution: Turn off year/month folders, so that any newly uploaded PDFs with the same filename will have the same URL. (Assuming the client deletes the old one first!)

You may be thinking, well, that’s great, if you had done this before the QR codes were created. Yes, exactly. That’s where this rewrite rule comes in.

When you turn off the year/month folder setting, it doesn’t move any existing files or change any code that links to them. This purely affects new uploads going forward. So what I need is a rewrite rule that will allow existing file URLs with the year/month path to continue working, while automatically removing that bit from the URL and trying to find the same file in the main uploads folder, if there’s no file at the year/month URL.

OK, here’s the code:

# Redirect file URLs from year/month subfolders to base uploads folder if not found
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /wp-content/uploads/
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})/(.*) /wp-content/uploads/$3 [L,R=301]

This should go not in your main .htaccess file, but in an .htaccess placed inside your wp-content/uploads folder.

Let’s assess what’s going on here, line by line.

# Redirect file URLs from year/month subfolders to base uploads folder if not found

Just a comment so we remember what this is all about. You may think you’ll remember. But you probably won’t. Comments are your future friend.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c> and </IfModule>

Apache configuration conditionals wrapper for all of our actions, to make sure this code doesn’t run if mod_rewrite isn’t enabled. Honestly I often leave this out because… come on, the entire site is going to be broken if mod_rewrite isn’t enabled.

RewriteEngine On

If you don’t know what this is about, RTFM. (The “F” is directed at the manual, not you. I hate the Apache documentation.)

RewriteBase /wp-content/uploads/

This is the reference point for the ^ later on. Needs to be the relative path of the uploads folder below your WordPress site’s base URL.

RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]

Honestly we probably don’t need this line, as there shouldn’t be any index.php files inside your uploads folder anyway, but it just feels weird not to include it. This just says “don’t do any rewrites to the index.php file.”

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

These lines are very common in this type of rewrite instruction set, and in fact come straight from the default WordPress rewrite rules. They are saying, only apply the following rules to URLs that don’t match existing real files or directories under this path. This is critical to keep all of your existing Media Library URLs working.

RewriteRule ^([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{2})/(.*) /wp-content/uploads/$3 [L,R=301]

This is what we’re here for. Note we are using the magic of regular expressions to make this work. There are three parenthetical groupings, though we technically could eliminate the first two sets of parentheses and change $3 to $1, but I just like having the parentheses to help me keep things straight.

([0-9]{4}) is matching a 4-digit number, representing the year folder.

([0-9]{2}) is matching a 2-digit number, representing the month folder.

And (.*) is matching… anything, representing the filename. That’s the bit we want to reference in the replacement string, /wp-content/uploads/$3 which tells Apache to serve up the filename from the year/month URL directly out of the uploads folder itself.

The final bit, if you’re not familiar with rewrite rules, [L,R=301], just says this is the last rule the previous set of conditions applies to, and that it should return an HTTP 301 (permanent redirect) status along with the redirect, which is good SEO karma.

Please, web font vendors, learn how to use CSS @font-face properly!

This has been bugging me for years and I can’t believe it’s still happening.

Being able to use custom fonts has been a huge boon to web design. And font hosting services like Typekit (sorry, I will never call it Adobe Fonts) and Google Fonts make using custom fonts easy.

But sometimes you still buy a font license that involves hosting the font files directly on your own server, and that’s where things get absolutely maddening because, for some reason, someone early on grossly misinterpreted how to use @font-face and that error has been perpetuated by countless unthinking others.

(Yes, I’m being harsh. But this is really not that complicated. And getting it right makes writing your CSS and HTML so much easier.)

Here’s an example of some font-specifying CSS you might receive from a font vendor:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Font-Name-Regular';
    src: url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Regular.woff2') format('woff2'),
         url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Regular.woff') format('woff');
    font-weight: normal;
.Font-Name-Regular {
    font-family: 'Font-Name-Regular';

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Font-Name-Regular';
    src: url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Regular-Italic.woff2') format('woff2'),
         url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Regular-Italic.woff') format('woff');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: italic;
.Font-Name-Regular-Italic {
    font-family: 'Font-Name-Regular';
    font-style: italic;

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Font-Name-Bold';
    src: url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Bold.woff2') format('woff2'),
         url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Bold.woff') format('woff');
    font-weight: normal;
.Font-Name-Bold {
    font-family: 'Font-Name-Bold';

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Font-Name-Bold';
    src: url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Bold-Italic.woff2') format('woff2'),
         url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Bold-Italic.woff') format('woff');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: italic;
.Font-Name-Bold-Italic {
    font-family: 'Font-Name-Bold';
    font-style: italic;

This is, in fact, the exact code I just received yesterday from a font vendor when I purchased a license, with the actual font name removed to protect the guilty innocent.

What’s so bad about this, you might ask? Aside from the conventions I dislike of indenting the closing } and using 4 spaces instead of tabs, there are two glaring problems with this:

  1. Because the font-family name defined for each weight and style is different, when you go to use this font, you need to specify the font-family every time you want to use bold or italics in your HTML, or at least use the custom CSS classes defined here. No! No no no! You should not have to apply a class to get bold or italics to render properly. The <strong> and <em> tags should do that on their own!
  2. Don’t f***ing define a bold font with font-weight: normal;! If you don’t realize from this, alone, that something is wrong with your approach, stop coding right now.

So, how should this be done, you ask?

Well, it’s simple. Each @font-face declaration has four properties. One is src: which tells the browser where to find the correct font file(s) for this face. The other three properties work together to define the context in which this particular src should be used: any time this combination of font-family, font-weight and font-style come together.

You can use the same font-family in different @font-face declarations as long as font-weight and font-style are different. In fact, you’re supposed to! That’s the way it’s designed to work!!!

When you do this properly, you don’t need any custom CSS classes. Try this on for size:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Font-Name';
    src: url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Regular.woff2') format('woff2'),
         url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Regular.woff') format('woff');
    font-weight: normal;

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Font-Name';
    src: url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Regular-Italic.woff2') format('woff2'),
         url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Regular-Italic.woff') format('woff');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: italic;

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Font-Name';
    src: url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Bold.woff2') format('woff2'),
         url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Bold.woff') format('woff');
    font-weight: bold;

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Font-Name';
    src: url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Bold-Italic.woff2') format('woff2'),
         url('Font-Name/Font-Name-Bold-Italic.woff') format('woff');
    font-weight: bold;
    font-style: italic;

Aside from the fact that this eliminates 1/3 of the lines of code, it also will make your HTML much cleaner and more properly separates content from styling.

Here’s an example of some HTML you might have to write using the first approach:

<p class="Font-Name-Regular">This is some regular text, which also
includes a bit of <em class="Font-Name-Regular-Italic">italics</em>
and even a dash of <strong class="Font-Name-Bold">bold</strong>.</p>

Now, granted, my version does require you to define the font-family for your <p> tags in your CSS file. But guess what… you’re supposed to do that! Put this in your CSS:

p { font-family: 'Font-Name'; }

With that in place, the proper HTML for the same appearance becomes this:

<p>This is some regular text, which also
includes a bit of <em>italics</em>
and even a dash of <strong>bold</strong>.</p>

So, again… when thinking about @font-face, just remember these two simple things:

  1. All @font-face declarations for the same font family should have the same font-family. (Seems kind of obvious when I put it that way, doesn’t it?)
  2. The value for font-weight should be the actual weight of the font. Only the “regular” weight should have font-weight: normal; or font-weight: 400;. If you’re using font-weight: normal; on a bold font, you’ve done something wrong.

This change makes for cleaner code, easier maintenance, and proper separation of content from design.


Shortly after I posted this, I went back and looked at the unnamed font vendor’s sample page, because I knew it referenced “the @font-face standard since 2017”. I could not believe that this approach was actually a “standard,” so I tracked down the source, an article Bram Stein published on A List Apart in 2017 called Using Webfonts.

Guess what… Bram Stein’s examples do it the right way!

I do know one place where I’ve consistently seen this wrong way I’m railing against… it’s the code generated on FontSquirrel (no link, on principle) whenever you download a font. Other “web font generator” sites like FontSquirrel probably do it to. They’re all wrong… but Bram Stein isn’t. Don’t drag him down with this bad code!

How to sort empty values last in WordPress

For the past several days I’ve been hammering my head against a conundrum: how to get WordPress to sort a set of posts in ascending order, but with empty values at the end of the list instead of the beginning.

This seems like it should be a simple option in the query. But MySQL doesn’t offer a straightforward way to do this. There are some fairly simple MySQL tricks that will accomplish it, but there’s no way to apply those tricks within the context of WP_Query because they require manipulating either the SELECT or ORDER BY portions of the SQL query in ways WP_Query doesn’t allow. (I mean, you can write custom SQL for WP_Query, but if you’re trying to alter the output of the main query, good luck.)

I tried everything I could possibly think of yesterday with the pre_get_posts hook, but it all went nowhere, other than discovering a very weird quirk of MySQL that I don’t fully understand and won’t bother explaining here.

Sleep on it

I woke up this morning with an idea! I resigned myself to the fact that this ordering can’t happen before the query runs, but I should be able to write a pretty simple function to do it after the query has run.

Bear one key thing in mind: This is not going to work properly with paginated results. I mean, it’ll sort of work. The empty values will get sorted to the end of the list, but they’ll stay on the same “page” they were on before the query was run. In other words, they’ll be sorted to the bottom of page one, not of the last page. Anyway… consider this most useful in cases where you’re setting posts_per_page to -1 or some arbitrarily large number (e.g. 999).

The function

This simple (and highly compact) function accepts a field name (and a boolean for whether or not it’s a custom field [meta data]), then takes the array of posts in the main query ($wp_query), splits them into two separate arrays — one with the non-empty values for your selected field, one with the empty values — and then merges those arrays back together, with all of the non-empty values first. (Other than shifting empties to the back, it retains the same post order from the original query.)

function sort_empty_last($field, $is_meta=false) {
  global $wp_query;
  if (!$wp_query->is_main_query()) { return; }
  $not_empty = $empty = array();
  foreach ((array)$wp_query->posts as $post) {
    $field_value = !empty($is_meta) ? get_post_meta($post->ID, $field) : $post->{$field};
    if (empty(implode((array)$field_value))) { $empty[] = $post; }
    else { $not_empty[] = $post; }
  $wp_query->posts = array_merge($not_empty,$empty);

Calling the function

As I said, this function is designed to work directly on the main query. You just need to call the function right before if (have_posts()) in any archive template where you want it to apply. Because of the way it works — especially the posts_per_page consideration — I thought calling it directly in the template was the most clear-cut way to work with it. Here’s an example of the first few lines of a really basic archive template that uses it, looking for a custom field (meta data) called deadline:



sort_empty_last('deadline', true);

if (have_posts()) {

Responsive horizontal scrolling tables for phones in CSS with no additional HTML

For some reason I always forget how to do this, and most tutorials out there suggest wrapping your table in a container <div> tag but as long as you’re using <tbody> (and, ideally, not using <thead> or <tfoot>) then it’s easy with a small bit of CSS and no HTML changes at all.

The trick is to display your <table> as a block, and your <tbody> as a table!

Here’s the code. Fit it into whichever breakpoint makes sense for your site. Mine shown here is the standard phone width breakpoint for WordPress (782 pixels):

@media screen and (max-width: 782px) {

  table {
    display: block;
    overflow-x: auto;
    width: 100%;

  table tbody {
    display: table;
    width: auto;


Of course, right after I posted this I found that I had already written about it two years ago with a slightly different solution. Never hurts to have a slightly different perspective.

Using The SEO Framework with Advanced Custom Fields

I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that I am not the only WordPress developer who in recent days (in the wake of their obnoxious Black Friday dashboard ad) has switched allegiance from Yoast to another SEO plugin, and that many of those who find themselves in a similar boat (to mix metaphors) have switched to The SEO Framework.

I’ve only been using it for a couple of days, but I already love it. It does all of the things I actually used Yoast for, without any of the other stuff I did not use it for. I mean honestly, maybe readability scores and “cornerstone content” do provide an SEO boost, but I barely understand how to use these tools, so good luck explaining them to my clients in a meaningful way. I suppose they’re more of a tool for full-time SEO consultants who need to pad out their billable hours. (Sorry not sorry. My opinion on the business of SEO hasn’t changed all that much since 2011.)

It wasn’t until the Black Friday ad that I really admitted to myself how much I don’t like Yoast. It does a lot of important things, and does them very well. But it’s obnoxious as hell about it. Pushing features you don’t really want or need into every page of the WordPress admin, and plastering its own over-designed admin screens with tons of garish ads promoting its “premium” features.


The SEO Framework encapsulates all of the key features I liked about Yoast into a single configuration screen, which kindly adheres to the standard WordPress admin UI design language instead of infusing its own brand style into every button and metabox border. It’s refreshingly boring to look at. And it just has the stuff I actually use, like title and description, OpenGraph tags, sitemap XML, the basic elements of SEO that unequivocally matter and can be a pain to build and maintain on your own.

But enough about all of its great features. There’s one key thing it lacks: support for Advanced Custom Fields. My standard “modular design” theme relies almost entirely on ACF’s Flexible Content fields to work its page layout magic, and with all of the page content stored in custom fields instead of post_content, there’s nothing for The SEO Framework to latch onto to auto-generate meta descriptions.

Fortunately, the developer has built in some hooks to allow you to customize the meta description output.

Here’s a barebones starting point:

function my_seo_framework_description($description, $args) {
  if (empty($description)) {
    $description = ''; // Add your own logic here!
  return $description;
add_filter('the_seo_framework_custom_field_description', 'my_seo_framework_description', 10, 2);
add_filter('the_seo_framework_generated_description', 'my_seo_framework_description', 10, 2);
add_filter('the_seo_framework_fetched_description_excerpt', 'my_seo_framework_description', 10, 2);

As the developer notes, it’s very important for SEO not to just output the same static description text on every page. You need to have a function of your own that will read your ACF field content and generate something meaningful here.

Fortunately in my case, I had already done that, for generating custom excerpts from ACF content, so I was able to just stick a call to that function into the // Add your own logic here! line. You’ll need to customize your function to suit your specific content structure, but here’s the post that I used as a starting point for my function.

Have fun!