A slow-motion apocalypse

I could be talking about any number of current events with a title like that, but in this case I’m referring to last September’s “SSL Apocalypse” that came due to the expiration of an X3 root certificate used by Let’s Encrypt when connecting to really old client OSes. (Not that users think their computers/devices are really old, but in Internet terms, they are.)

Now, over six months later, I am still sporadically dealing with this issue. I was responding this morning to a client about the issue, and I wanted to email her a link to the blog post I remembered writing on the day it happened. But, maddeningly, I could not find it anywhere here.

That’s when I remembered, I actually have two blogs.

So, in a simultaneous act of self-promotion and, uh, self-reminding, here’s a link to that post on my other blog, on the site for my WordPress plugin ICS Calendar:

Unexpected Side Effects of the Let’s Encrypt Apocalypse

There we go. Now you know about ICS Calendar, and I won’t think I’m losing my mind when I come back here in another six months and can’t figure out where the heck this blog post went!

Fixing a redirect loop on WordPress sites with WooCommerce when converting the site to all-SSL

Best practice these days is to run sites on all-SSL, not just the parts of the site that “need” it. But not long ago, it was common to apply SSL only when it was absolutely necessary, because SSL encryption meant a performance hit. Not anymore.

You may find, if you’re trying to convert an existing WordPress / WooCommerce site to all-SSL, that reconfiguring your URLs, by using a tool such as interconnect/it’s super-slick, powerful (and dangerous) Search Replace DB tool, that once you’ve made the changes, your home page kicks into a redirect loop, indefinitely cycling between http:// and https:// versions of your URL.

WooCommerce may be to blame!

Specifically, a setting in WooCommerce called “Force HTTP when leaving the checkout”. Head on over to WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout and… um… check it out.

Simply uncheck that box, and, while you’re at it, uncheck “Force secure checkout” since it’s unnecessary on an all-SSL site, save your changes, and your home page should come back to live!

The simple way to add a “force SSL” option in WordPress

There are plugins for just about everything in WordPress. But cluttering up your site with plugins isn’t always such a great idea. They add bloat that can slow down your site, and if poorly written can cause potential conflicts.

Plus, a lot of them are simply over-engineered. I hate that.

That said, I love good plugins, especially Advanced Custom Fields by Elliot Condon. I consider it essential to every WordPress site I build… which is a lot these days.

A site I’m currently working on has some pages that require SSL encryption. And I want the client to be able to turn SSL on or off on a per-page basis. But I didn’t want to use a plugin (besides ACF) to do it. [Disclaimer: you don’t actually need to use ACF for this; the standard Custom Fields capability will do.]

Before getting started, make sure your site actually has an SSL certificate installed and properly configured. And for this to work as shown, the cert needs to use the same domain name as the site itself. If it’s different, your redirect URLs will be a bit more complicated and will require some customization of this code, but it’ll still work.

First, set up your custom field. I’m using force_https as the field name, but it can be whatever. Make it a True/False field. (If you’re not using ACF, just remember you’ll be entering 0 or 1 as the value.)

Next, in your functions.php file, add the following:

add_action('template_redirect', 'my_force_https');
function my_force_https() {
  if (is_ssl()) { return null; }
  global $post;
  if (!empty($post->ID)) {
    if (!empty(get_field('force_https',$post->ID))) {
      $ssl_url = str_replace('http://','https://',get_the_permalink($post->ID));
      wp_redirect($ssl_url); exit;
  return false;

Picking this apart: We’re using the template_redirect hook. By this point the post has been loaded. We have all of the data we need, and it’s kind of our “last chance” to get WordPress to do a redirect before it starts rendering the page.

First we run the built-in WordPress function is_ssl(), because if we’re already on an SSL connection, there’s nothing to do. (And, if we didn’t do this check, we’d create a redirect loop.)

Next, if we have a post ID, we use the ACF function get_field() to check whether the force_https custom field is checked for this page. If it is, then we modify the page’s permalink to start with https:// and trigger the redirect. That’s it! [Note: If you’re not using ACF, you’ll need to use the built-in WordPress function get_post_meta() instead of get_field().]

Of course, that’s not quite it. You may notice after you have this working that your page loads with an https:// URL, but you’re still not getting the reassuring lock icon in your browser’s address bar. What gives?

Well, that’s because you probably have assets in the page that are loading over a non-SSL connection. In my experience, this is almost always because of images in your content that have a full, non-SSL URL. Browsers won’t give you the lock icon unless every asset on the page was loaded over an SSL connection.

So I’ve added this second function that strips the protocol from any instance of src="http://... in a text string. If you’re not familiar with “protocol-less” URLs, modern browsers allow you to omit the protocol — http:// or https:// — from URLs in your HTML, using just // instead, and the browser will automatically handle those with the same protocol used to load the page.

Using the filter the_content, this will automatically get applied to most page content and you’ll probably be good.

add_filter('the_content', 'my_strip_protocol');
function my_strip_protocol($content) {
  if (is_ssl()) {
    $content = str_replace('src="http://','src="//',$content);
  return $content;

If you add this and you’re still not getting the lock, it means you probably have <img> tags within your theme that include full non-SSL URLs, or possibly some CSS or JavaScript assets that are being loaded over non-SSL connections. You’ll have to troubleshoot that yourself, but with the developer tools built into modern web browsers, that shouldn’t be too difficult. Remember, now that you have it, you can always use this my_strip_protocol() function directly in your theme files as well.

Just a side note about one of my idiosyncratic coding conventions: I always use !empty() when checking for a value that evaluates to true, but you don’t have to. It comes from my prior experience working with CakePHP. The benefit is that you won’t trigger any PHP warnings if the variable you’re evaluating hasn’t been declared.

Maintaining session between SSL and non-SSL pages in CakePHP

It’s funny, in a way, that cms34 has been around for nearly five years now, and it’s only just become a real issue that we were not maintaining sessions between SSL and non-SSL pages. This is somewhat understandable: practically speaking, the only time it really matters to carry over the session between the two is when a user is logged in. (This might not be the case with all web applications, but for us, at least, there’s rarely enough happening in the session when a user is not logged in for it to matter.)

As it happens, not that many cms34 sites use SSL; not that many cms34 sites use the user login capability on the front end. And very few use both. But we’ve had a couple of new sites come online lately that do use both, and it’s become a bit of an issue.

The issue was exacerbated by the fact that I recently modified the Users controller to require SSL on the login page, if the site has an SSL certificate. Consequently there were issues with trying to access login-restricted, but non-SSL pages… redirect loops and other such fun.

What’s the problem?

The problem is simple: for obvious security reasons, sessions and cookies cannot be shared directly between two different domains. It’s possible (although less secure) to share them between both SSL and non-SSL on the same domain, and it’s also relatively easy to set them up to work between different subdomains. But if your SSL pages use a different domain name than the non-SSL pages, even if they’re on the same server, there’s no way to get them to automatically use the same session.

The solution (though still not ideal, as it can introduce the risk of session hijacking), as you’ll find in lots of places, is to pass the session ID as a query string variable. Then you can use that to restore the same session ID, even if it’s on another domain — as long as it’s on the same physical server.

Some improvements

There are two key improvements I made to the basic “pass the session ID in the query string” scenario.

First, when the session is created I am writing the user’s IP address (using $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) as a session variable. Then, when I am attempting to restore the session with the ID passed as a query string variable, I read the session file on the server first, and make sure the IP address in the file matches still matches the user’s current IP address. Only then do I restore the session.

Second, and this is an aesthetic issue almost as much as a security one, once the session has been re-established, and before any response has been sent, I strip the session ID out of the requested URL and redirect to that new URL. It’s all invisible to the user, and the session ID never actually appears in the browser’s address bar.

A look at the code

There’s a lot going on in the cms34 code, much of which is highly specific to this application. But in short the keys to making this work happen in two places:


I have a login() action in UsersController that handles all of the special functionality that needs to happen when a user logs in. The actual login itself happens “automagically” via AuthComponent, but Auth doesn’t know everything I need to have happen when a user logs in, so after Auth does its work, my login() action takes it from there.

Honestly not a lot needs to happen here to make this work. Just two things: you have to write the user’s IP address to the session as I noted above, and you have to pass the session ID in a query string variable on the redirect that happens when login is successful. My code looks a little something like this (note that I have an array in the session called Misc that I use for… miscellaneous stuff like this):

class UsersController extends AppController {

  var $name = 'Users'
  // Other controller variables go here, of course.

  function login() {

    // All of this should only run if AuthComponent has already logged the user in.
    // Your session variable names may vary.
    if ($this->Session->read('Auth.User')) {

      // Various session prep stuff happens here.

      // Write IP address to session (used to verify user when restoring session).

      // Some conditionals for special redirects come here but we'll skip that.

      // Redirect user to home page, with session ID in query string.
      // Make up a query string variable that makes sense for you.
      $this->redirect('/?cms34sid=' . session_id());


So far, so good. The rest of the excitement happens in…


Ah yes, the magical beforeFilter() method. There’s a whole lot of stuff going on in AppController::beforeFilter() in cms34, most of which is highly specific to our application. But this is where you will need to put your code to retrieve the session ID from the query string and restore the session… this function runs at the beginning of every page load on your site.

I’ve put this logic almost at the beginning of beforeFilter(), because we really do want that session restored as soon as possible.

Here’s a look…

class AppController extends Controller {

  function beforeFilter() {

    // Additional code specific to your app will likely come before and after this.

    // Only run if session ID query string variable is passed and different from the existing ID.
    // Be sure to replace cms34sid with your actual query string variable name.
    if (!empty($this->params['url']['cms34sid']) && $this->params['url']['cms34sid'] != session_id()) {

      // Verify session file exists.
      // I am using CakeSession; your session files may be elsewhere.
      $session_file = TMP.DS.'sessions'.DS.'sess_'.$this->params['url']['cms34sid'];

      if (file_exists($session_file)) {
        $session_contents = file_get_contents($session_file);

        // Find user's IP address in session file data (to verify identity).
        // The CakePHP session file stores a set of serialized arrays; we're reading raw serialized data.
        // If you used a different session variable name than remote_addr, change it AND the 11 to its string length.
        $session_match = 's:11:"remote_addr";s:'.strlen($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']).':"'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] .'";';

        // User's IP address is in session file; so we can continue.
        if (strpos($session_contents,$session_match) !== false) {

          // Set session ID to restore session

          // Redirect to this same URL without session ID in query string
          $current_url = rtrim(preg_replace('/cms34sid=[^&]+[&]?/','',current_url()),'?&');

A few final thoughts

I didn’t really discuss cookies at all here, but suffice to say there’s a cookie containing the session ID that gets written. If you’re only using cookies for the session ID (which is probably a good idea), then you don’t really need to do anything else with them. But if you’re writing certain cookies when a user logs in (like I do), you’ll need to write additional logic to restore them in AppController::beforeFilter(). In my case, the relevant cookies are all duplicates of session data, but are intended for a few edge cases where I need to access that information through JavaScript or in .htaccess files that are protecting login-restricted downloadable files — in other words, places where I can’t use PHP to look at session data.

You may also notice near the end of the code in the AppController::beforeFilter() example above that I am calling a function called current_url(). This is not a built-in part of PHP or CakePHP; it’s a simple little function I have in my config/functions.php file. Here it is:

function current_url() {
  return (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https://' : 'http://') . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

A follow-up on Apache not starting on my web server

About 6 weeks ago, I wrote about a problem I was having with Apache not starting with SSLEngine on. I ended the post somewhat ominously with the following:

I’m a little concerned that Apache is going to require manual input of these pass phrases again whenever it restarts (e.g. if the server reboots). I hope not, but for now I am at least able to move forward knowing it works at all.

This morning, a little before 6 AM, that happened. I was awakened by notifications (with their attendant beeps and nightstand vibrations) on my iPhone that my web server was down. Great. Half-awake, I fired up my hosting provider’s handy iPhone app, tapped the “Hard Reboot” button, and tried to go back to sleep. Except, the notifications kept coming. Eventually I was awake enough to realize that the server was coming back up, but Apache wasn’t. Time to get up and deal with this problem from a real computer.

SSHed in, I tried manually starting Apache, and got this:

(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

What the crap? After spending a half hour visually scanning log and configuration files, to no avail, I decided I needed to try to find out what was running on port 80. This page was helpful in that regard. I ran the command lsof +M -i4 and found that, whaddayknow, Apache was running. Apparently. But I couldn’t shut it down, and I couldn’t restart it. There were no signs of any compromise of the system’s security, so I just chalked this up to some minor problem deeply buried somewhere in a configuration file that I have yet to track down (but which is probably my fault). At any rate, lsof gave me what I really wanted: the process ID that was listening on port 80. Time for the dreaded kill -9 command.

After that, I tried starting Apache again, and it worked… and, as I suspected, it did ask for the pass phrases again. But now, all is well. (Except for the nagging feeling of not knowing what caused this to happen in the first place. Stay tuned…)