
This is my latest album. It is called Three. I’ve just made it available for free streaming and download over on my music site.

Warning: here there be dragons. Well, not really dragons so much. I would classify the album as progressive rock, but not the wizards and sorcery kind of prog rock. Still, if you’re not in the mood for 20-minute rock suites or free-form improvisation, it may not be your bag, baby. There’s Mellotron. A lot of Mellotron. Never fear, there’s also a long essay describing the album’s creation in copious detail for your insomnia-curing pleasure. Enjoy!

(Note: CDs are on their way in the next week or so…)

Sendmail not working? Maybe your server’s IP is on a block list

This is pretty arcane, even for me, but since I spent several hours troubleshooting this problem this week — and the solution was nowhere to be found on Google — I figured it was worth sharing.

My CMS, cms34, as I’ve mentioned a few times before, is built on CakePHP. Some features of cms34 include automatically generated email messages. CakePHP has a nice email component that facilitates a lot of this work. It can be configured to use an SMTP server, but by default it sends mail directly from the web server using whatever you have installed on the server, either the ubiquitous sendmail or the more powerful (and capitalized) Postfix. Don’t unleash a deluge of flame comments on me, but I’m using sendmail. So be it.

All was working well until a few weeks ago, when suddenly none of the mails were being sent. There were no errors on the website; the messages just wouldn’t go through. What was more confusing was that messages being sent to my own domain did go through, but for those being sent to my clients’ domains, nothing.

Nothing except log entries, that is. Specifically, the mail log was filling up with lines like this:

Sep 13 13:45:56 redacted sm-mta[28158]: o8DIjsx0028156:
to=<>, ctladdr=<>
(33/33), delay=00:00:02, xdelay=00:00:01,
mailer=esmtp, pri=120799,
[123.456.789.000], dsn=5.7.1, stat=Service unavailable

(Note that I’ve removed the real email and IP addresses to protect the innocent, namely myself.)

“Service unavailable,” huh? I researched that error extensively, without finding much. Eventually I was led to believe it may be an issue with my hostname, hosts, hosts.allow and/or hosts.deny files.

A few relevant points: 1) my hosts.allow file only contains one (uncommented) line: sendmail: LOCAL and 2) likewise, the hosts.deny file only contains: ALL: PARANOID. I’ll save you some time right here: the problem I had ended up having nothing whatsoever to do with any of these host-related files. Leave ’em alone.

After following a number of these dead ends, I was inspired to check the mail file on the server for the user Apache runs as, in my case www-data. On Ubuntu Linux (and probably other flavors), these mail files can be found in /var/mail. Indeed, there were some interesting things to be found there, namely, a number of references to this URL:

(Again, the IP address has been changed… and yes, I know that’s not a valid IP address. That’s the point.)

I was not previously aware of The Spamhaus Project, but perhaps I should have been. The reason my messages weren’t getting through was because my server’s IP address was on the PBL: Policy Block List. Essentially, that is a list of all of the IP addresses (or IP ranges) in the world that, according to a well-defined set of rules, have no business acting like SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol*) servers — the servers that send mail out.

It stands to reason that my server was on this list; technically it’s not an SMTP server. But it’s perfectly legitimate for a web server to be running sendmail or Postfix or something of that nature, and sending messages out from the web applications it runs. Fortunately, it’s easy to get legitimate servers removed from the PBL. Simply fill out a form, verify your identity (via a code sent to you in an email message), and within about an hour, the changes will propagate worldwide.

Success! So if you’re in the same kind of situation I was in, where everything seems to be configured properly but your messages just aren’t going out for some reason, try checking Spamhaus to see if your IP is on the PBL.

* If you made it this far in the post, I shouldn’t have to explain the acronym. But I will anyway, as is my wont.

Making CakePHP’s TreeBehavior work with scope

We’re not talking mouthwash here. We’re talking code.

CakePHP’s TreeBehavior is cool, but tree traversal is a pretty arcane concept, even for developers, and MPTT is not something that is easy to digest mentally, or to develop around. Unfortunately, it’s also not incredibly efficient on large data sets. Even not-so-large data sets, on the order of a few hundred items, make certain actions — reordering, in particular — really processor intensive.

I’m using a JavaScript drag-and-drop tool in cms34 to allow admins to manage the page tree on their sites, and the data gets stored using CakePHP’s TreeBehavior, which is MPTT-based. The problem is, it really wasn’t working. So I completely rebuilt the code that assigns the über-critical “left” and “right” values to each node in the tree. My new way is much faster, even though it may break a few rules, and requires bypassing TreeBehavior’s callbacks.

Once I got that working, I was delighted, but then I discovered some other problems, namely pertaining to… scope. My CMS supports multiple sites in one installation, which means multiple trees, which means scope. The problem is, I was having a hell of a time figuring out just how to make scope work with TreeBehavior. Finally I found a link to a succinct and effective solution.

The upshot here is that you can’t define your $actsAs in the model, because… well… to be honest, I only have a vague understanding of why not, but essentially it’s due to the split roles of the model-view-controller framework. You’re building a rule that requires access to specific data values, which is something that needs to happen in the controller; the model is strictly for the abstract structure of the data. I understand it just enough to agree that it makes sense not to do it in the model. Which means you have to do it in the controller. The sample code from the link above goes a little something like this:

function add() {
    $this->Task->Behaviors->attach('Tree', array(
         'scope' => "Task.schedule_id = {$this->data['Task']['schedule_id']}"

That didn’t quite work in my situation, but it got me far enough along that I could figure out what to do from there.

I still need to do a little more testing to make sure my solution to the more efficient tree reordering is rock solid, and then I’ll post a tutorial. But for now, I hope this helps spread the word that scope does work on TreeBehavior… if you do it right.

Update (September 22, 2010): Although this didn’t really seem to be breaking anything, just throwing up a warning (when debugging was turned on), I discovered a minor issue with this code yesterday. Turns out CakePHP expects the value of scope to be an array. Just taking the string it was defined as and wrapping it in array() did the trick.

Kings Go Forth, behind the scenes

I am all about Kings Go Forth right now. I heard “One Day,” the lead track on their album The Outsiders Are Back, a couple of weeks ago on The Current and was absolutely blown away. Yesterday I finally got the album, and the entire thing is just as good: intense, blustery funk with a great live feel. Much like Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, you might suspect on first listen that it was recorded in the early ’70s, not in 2010.

Kings Go Forth are a Milwaukee-based band that are apparently just starting to get some serious attention, and they deserve it! Here’s a “behind the scenes” video the band posted on YouTube, accompanied by “One Day.” Enjoy!

You can’t hear my latest song

But that’s just because I’ve submitted it for consideration for inclusion in Ramen Music, a new subscription music service — a “zine” I suppose, in late-’90s Internet parlance — that brings independent musicians and artists together in what looks to be a very cool web interface. I’m excited to get the first issue, and even more excited about possibly being a part of it.

Ramen Music is the brainchild of my fellow indie musician and web guy, Sudara Williams, who also created alonetone. It’s a great idea and it looks like it’s got the right kind of support behind it to make it a success artistically, and hopefully as a business venture as well.

As for my song, well, it’s 5 1/2 minutes of upbeat electronica, probably the best track I’ve recorded to date in that style (at least, I think so). It’s called “Sembei,” the Japanese word for a quintessentially Japanese snack food: rice crackers. I’ve gotten addicted to the things — there are some excellent options imported straight from Japan at United Noodles here in Minneapolis — and it just seemed like a good name for a track I’d submit to a project called Ramen Music.

Here’s where I’d say, “Enjoy!” and link to the MP3. But in this case I’ll say… Subscribe! There’s no guarantee at this point that “Sembei” will be included on the first (or any) issue of Ramen Music, but it’s still worth it to support great independent music.