The core team (i.e. Matt) doesn’t want WordPress to be a general purpose CMS

For various reasons, I’ve kind of taken a step back from heavy client project development in WordPress over the past few months.

Today I’m back at it, trying to really actively work on something new for the first time since before the big kerfuffle started, and the time away has given me new perspective on what WordPress really is, and what the core team (let’s be honest, Matt) wants it to be.

I’ve frequently argued that WordPress owes its broad success to the malleability its plugin architecture provides. The platform is not, inherently, a general-purpose Content Management System (CMS), but thanks to plugins like Advanced Custom Fields, it can be turned into one.

The funny thing is, the platform clearly was moving in the general CMS direction for much of its early life. The availability of custom fields (not ACF specifically, but the more rudimentary open-ended key/value pair system created by the wp_postmeta table), not to mention custom post types and taxonomies, and the extensible template system, really pointed things in the direction of a system much broader than simply “blogging.”

But Matt really just wants WordPress to be about blogging. Because that’s how he uses it. And he only sees what he wants to see.

All of that natural growth in the direction of general-purpose CMS use was effectively pruned by the shift to all things Gutenberg: the Block Editor, and now the Site Editor (formerly Full Site Editing).

I won’t deny that — now that they’re reasonably mature — the elements of Gutenberg are powerful and (somewhat) intuitive tools for building an engaging blog without having to write code.

But for many of us who helped get WordPress to where it is, that’s not what we want, or need. These tools are not only irrelevant to our work, they make the work we need to do much more difficult.

Specifically I’m talking about template design. In their pure intended form, Block Themes can’t have any PHP code in page templates. Which severely limits their functionality. Even if you end up creating a theme — like I have — that’s somewhat of a hybrid of the old and new ways, you’ll find it absolutely maddening how your PHP code may no longer have access to such obvious and basic variables as the post ID.

Meanwhile, core functionality for things like custom fields has been all but killed. It seems like, at the very least, there should be a way in the Block Editor to reference a custom field value. Nope.

Even Advanced Custom Fields’ efforts to extend Block Editor support require a bunch of convoluted hoops. Assuming that creating your own ACF Blocks is overkill, in some cases you can reference ACF values using the [acf] shortcode, but that only works for certain types of fields and, as I’m learning right now, it only seems to work in the Block Editor itself, not in templates.

I’m not saying Advanced Custom Fields is the entire reason for Matt’s extreme actions against ACF owner WP Engine, or for his subsequent deranged steps, seemingly intent on tearing apart the WordPress community itself. But it’s hard to deny that Matt hates ACF for what it represents: a WordPress he can’t control, and one that doesn’t look like what he thinks it should be.

Unfortunately, that’s the only kind of WordPress I care about.

Well… that’s enough for now. Time to go and unravel my theme so I can make this new site I’m building actually do what my clients need it to do. Why did I choose WordPress again? I seem to be asking myself that question more and more frequently.

Update: The morning after I wrote this, I stumbled upon this forgotten bit of code in my theme:

function r3423_acf_disable_shortcode() {
    acf_update_setting('enable_shortcode', false);
add_action('acf/init', 'r3423_acf_disable_shortcode');

So, uh… yeah, that part was my fault. But I was just following ACF’s instructions since I generally don’t ever use the shortcode.

WordPress might not be showing your Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies on the Menus screen for a really stupid reason

I’m working on a new WordPress site that’s going to have both custom post types and custom taxonomies, and I want my custom taxonomies’ archive pages to be in the site’s navigation menu.

Seems like it should be easy, right? If you set show_in_nav_menus to true in register_post_type() or register_taxonomy(), you’re supposed to get access to add them to your menus.

But when I set that, they still didn’t appear on the Menus screen. What the…?

I found it exceptionally difficult to track down any information about this, although I did eventually find a tutorial on the very subject but… whoa, those are some old screenshots! The tutorial is a decade old.

Nonetheless, I proceeded to try to make it work, with extensive customizations to suit my needs. Strangely — and it should have been a clue to me — they wouldn’t appear if I gave the meta boxes the name of my custom taxonomy, but if I gave them an arbitrary name, it did work. But there were still some quirks, so I started digging around in the inspector to figure out what was what. Then I discovered something really odd.

They were already in the page. Only, they weren’t displaying. That’s because they all had a CSS class hide-if-js applied. So what’s that all about?

Well… it was really stupid. They were “unchecked” under Screen Options. You know, that little tab at the top right of every WordPress admin page.

My best guess here is that it’s because I had already been to the Menus page for this site before I started building the CPTs and taxonomies, so when I added them to the theme, my personal preferences for Screen Options on the Menus page had already been set, and therefore they defaulted to “unchecked.”

That seems kind of stupid. More specifically, it seems stupid that WordPress gives you the option to turn the items in the Add menu items list off. But it definitely should default any new items that suddenly appear, i.e. that are not already “on” or “off” in your preferences, to “on.” So you, like, know they exist.

Things that should be obvious: Fixing a 404 error on Custom Post Type archive pages after converting WordPress to Multisite

Maybe it’s just hard to find because it’s such an edge case. Or is it?

Here’s the scenario: you’re converting an existing WordPress site that uses Custom Post Types (with archive pages) to Multisite.

Suddenly, when you’ve switched the site, your CPT archive pages return a 404 error.

Check this: insert /blog into the URL, like so…



Does it work? If so, good. If not, I can’t help you. *shrug*

Let’s just assume it does work, and continue…

You see, Multisite inserts /blog into the URL to prevent URL conflicts between the different sites. Problem is, it’s kind of stupid about it, especially if your site is not a “blog” (and despite what the core team thinks, I’m pretty sure most WordPress sites these days are not blogs). It doesn’t do anything to change page URLs, which are just as likely to conflict.

Anyway, there are two things you need to do. First, go to Settings > Permalinks. (Note that /blog has appeared in all of the permalink structures!) Switch to “Default”, save, then switch back to whatever you want it to be and save again. (Note that /blog has disappeared!)

This still isn’t going to fix your CPT archives though. For that you need to go into your functions.php file in your theme, or wherever you are registering the CPTs in your theme/plugin. In the register_post_type() function, you may have 'rewrite' defined, like this:

'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'something'),

Change it to this:

'rewrite' => array('with_front' => false, 'slug' => 'something'),

You’ll need to flush the rewrite rules by temporarily adding flush_rewrite_rules(); in the functions.php file, uploading it, loading a page, and then removing the code and re-uploading the file. Or, you can refresh the Settings > Permalinks page. (Much easier, but I haven’t tested to be 100% sure it works in this case.)