Refresh the Page. Twice.

Although the tan-on-brown color scheme was… er… unique, and crisp to read on an LCD screen (which is all I own), I got tired of how smudgy and illegible it appeared on the ultra-X-treem high resolution CRT I use at work. (Uh… I mean… not that I… uh…)

So it was that I changed the color scheme of the site. But most browsers (at least Firefox, which is what I use) keep the CSS and image files cached more persistently than page content, so on first glance the pages here come off with the same circa 1978 color palette as before, just with a white page background instead of black.

If that’s what you’re seeing, for the love of Jehosephat* refresh the page now!

OK. Now I know what you’re seeing (at least if you’re using Firefox). This time around everything’s blue… except a little less than halfway across, the header graphic changes from blue to the old orange scheme. Ack! Refresh again!

Ah… that’s the stuff.

If it still looks like crap, maybe it’s your browser. You might need to actually clear the cache or something. Just don’t blame me. I already told you to use Firefox.

* Side note re: Jehosephat. What little I know about biblical King Jehosephat comes from hearing the phrase “jumpin’ Jehosephat” in passing, and the few minutes of Googling I did right after I posted this. (After all, I figured if I was enticing my reader [sic] with the love of Jehosephat as a reward for doing as I command, then perhaps I should know whether or not said love is desirable.)

From what I gather, King J. was a respectable fellow. For more on the matter, I direct you to the very Google search I myself undertook. But beware… as is often the case in life, that road is fraught with peril… and completely impertinent links. Seems the king himself is not exactly a hot topic around the virtual water cooler. Oh well… off you go!

Pointless? Probably. Cool? Maybe.

I’ve just added a new panel to the right side of The Home Page (and any other page that happens to use the same right column set)… News of the Moment.

News of the Moment displays a randomly selected link from a randomly selected RSS newsfeed in my database of feed sources.

If, like me, you occasionally (OK, frequently) find yourself trying to kill some time with aimless “surfing,” but you are so aimless that you don’t even know where to begin, this new feature will do the work for you (allowing you to move one step closer to true laze-nirvana).


Room 34 Sputters Back to Life…

PostNuke is out the window. I’m back to my old ways… PHP-based display pages and entering my content directly into the database, by way of phpMyAdmin.

Most of the Can of Worms articles (at least, the decent ones) are moved over now, and almost all are displaying correctly. The rest of the stuff is on its way.

My biggest problem right now is remembering that these files end with “.php” instead of “.asp” (and it saddens me that the latter is my brain’s default file extension [and if you actually get that you’re as big of a dork as me {and the only reason I created what is now a triple-parenthetical aside was just so I wouldn’t have to do the grammatically-correct but logically-weird period inside the quotes, or the logical but incorrect period outside the quotes… but now I am on a mission to make this the most ridiculously excessive parenthetical ramble in my illustrious career of writing rambling parenthetical asides}]).

Now where was I?

I forget. Anyway… the site is back, and ongoing changes will be… ongoing. Enjoy.

What Happened to the War-Related Rants?

I have written several rants here over the past few weeks, generally being critical of the build-up to war (as I am not a big fan of death and destruction). Those select few of you who are regular readers of my rants may notice a few of them have gone missing, including one I wrote just earlier today. That is because I feel now is the time for me to state, simply and — as best I can — succinctly, a few basic principles I believe in that have led me to my current position:

  • Killing other humans is fundamentally immoral. Killing the killers does not ennoble the deed.
  • War is a gut-wrenchingly hellish, morally-repugnant morass that bears little resemblance to the polished soundbites that make their way back home to the 6 o’clock news.
  • Striking first when the opponent presents no clear and present threat is bound to set a dangerous precedent that, for our own enduring liberty, we should hope others do not follow. Unilateral violation of the sovereignty of nations, no matter how despotic their leadership, is asking for trouble.
  • To show balance in my opinions expressed here: Saddam Hussein is despicable. Although I try to avoid using the word “evil,” he probably fits it better than anyone known in my lifetime. The Iraqi people deserve liberation. And I support our troops, performing their sworn duty, even if I question the full and true motivation to send them into combat.
  • “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” — Matthew 7:12