A Compendium of Spam Sender Pseudonyms

With my departure from Atlanta and the slow death-by-stagnation of the Forced Enthusiasm Log, I wondered if I’d ever find a worthy successor topic, and now I have.

Unfortunately, it has taken many months for me to fully awaken to the currently emerging art form of bizarre spam sender names. So my spam memory hole has consumed countless gems of sublime algorithmic syntactic mangling. But it’s not too late.

I could attempt further witty half-explanations of why I am doing this, but really… you’re just here for the crazy-ass names. So here we go. Be sure to check back periodically, as I have made it my life’s mission to keep a log here of every goofy spam sender name I receive from this day forth.

Decal H. Rifled
Burly S. Muskellunge
Unanticipated H. Genesis
Brilliants G. Tony
Elating K. Fishery
Freestyle K. Marcella
Gavotte L. Festivity
Gabriel C. Platinum
Wedge B. Radon
Faceless Q. Hogged
Adumbration V. Drool
Careen J. Feinting
Loxing E. Bowie
Basted P. Barrymore
Roves K. Aside
Pediatrician R. Speaking
Maternity L. Crocuses
Compassion G. Endlessness
Shithole B. Brain
Phlox E. Angiosperm
Corneal D. Abase
Spectroscope K. Wearer
Ford V. Refuelling
Dicta T. Gerrymandered
Splints P. Twitch
Revolvers C. Wryly
Jail K. Steak
Crone U. Tops
Pickings K. Profanes
Unwarier J. Bacterium
Minimum F. Perjurer
Slice A. Rudimentary
Seraph O. Szechuan
Stir T. Metropolises
Graybeards J. Imprecise
Paunched E. Cinchona
Nicks V. Beatified
Runoffs B. Tie
Rebus H. Indira
Asps O. Apartments
Guinness E. Bung
Aggravates C. Severely
Briskly C. Lagrangian
Mystery O. Brawls
Amoco V. Commentate
Sunburnt T. Mamie
Diction J. Northerly
Stratifies J. Sing
Plutocracy K. Specious
Manifolding G. Underlie
Insulated H. Couriers
Forget U. Columned
Outstays H. Canopy
Thinker U. Overlap
Shower K. Czar
Medieval V. Smelled
Griddlecake K. Catafalque
Successful F. Disrespectfully
Sluicing T. Undercurrent
Bluntness B. Researched
Excalibur G. Snowshed
Striated T. Steamroller
Slyer J. Redeployment
Unison G. Surliness
Museums C. Holder
Smitten P. Unlikelier

Dude, You’re Gettin’ Derivative!

By now it’s all over the news… Benjamin Curtis, better known as Steven*, the “Dell Dude,” was busted last night in Manhattan for attempting to buy pot. This, of course, is Big News, and is getting lots of well-deserved media attention.

But what I find to be an even bigger story is the way that so many of the news agencies, having classified this story for their “Oddly Enough” columns, are slapping incredibly lame plays on the Dell pitchman’s famous slogan into their headlines.

At 4:19 PM today, I did a search on Google News for this story, and 32 results came back. (Your results may vary, as Google’s news system is continually updated.) Out of those 32, only 4 did not have the word “dude” in their headlines, and many, in fact, went beyond simply referencing the “Dell Dude” and attempted a “witty” variation on “Dude, you’re gettin’ a Dell.” Let’s look at a few. (This ought to be interesting to see how long these agencies retain their news stories, as well. I apologize if any of the links below are dead, which I assume will start happening approximately 5 seconds after I post this rant.)

CBS News
Dude, You’re Under Arrest!

A weak effort, especially for a major news outlet like CBS. I guess Dan Rather is in charge of their humor. (No, I take that back… Dan Rather actually can be funny when he wants to. Let’s blame Andy Rooney.)

Dude, You’re Getting a Record

An improvement. It’s a more accurate play on the slogan than CBS’s craptacular attempt. Makes me think that Steven’s goin’ vintage and throwing out all of his CDs in favor of vinyl, though. Next, we’ll hear, “Dude, you’re gettin’ a Texas Instruments!”

WOKR-TV and WXXA and Baltimore Sun
Dude… You’re Busted!

At least three separate sources all coming up with this same lame effort! OK, the Sun actually used a comma instead of points of ellipsis. Way to stand out from the crowd, Jack Germond!

New York Daily News
NYC Cops Tell Dell Dude: You’re Getting Arrested!

CBS should learn from this one. It’s almost as lame as theirs, but at least it gets the cadence right (sort of). As an added bonus, it allows the reader to envision the cops gleefully slapping the handcuffs on the “dude” and delivering this line without missing a beat.

Dude! Dell Pitchman Busted On Pot Charges

Not really an effort to incorporate the slogan, but this is one of the countless stories that gratuitously dropped the word “dude” into an otherwise-serious headline.

Dude, Yer’ Gettin a Cell! Dell Dude Arrested

Yes, now this is the obvious choice. I am really quite surprised that more outlets haven’t picked up on this one; it’s got everything! Spot on with the cadence of the slogan and what would seem to be the natural, obvious pun. Bonus points for actually using “yer’,” even though I would dispute that apostrophe placement.

* Update, February 12, 2003: Not surprisingly, Dell has removed their Steven page. But I’ll keep the link in the first paragraph anyway, in case they, like, mellow out, dude. In the meantime, once again Google saves the day with its cached version of the page.

Don’t Expect them NOT to Be Incompetent

It is always with mild amusement that I listen to people complain about the incompetence of the sales staff at CompUSA or Best Buy or Radio Shack, or of the technical support people they get on the phone late at night or on weekends.

Think about it for a minute. Even though the economy is down, there are still plenty of well-paying high-tech jobs for people with knowledge and skills. If a person actually knows enough to be competent with computers, they will be able to get a better job than a thankless, $6.50-an-hour sales floor job at CompUSA, or working the graveyard shift doing phone tech support!

Now I am not saying there’s anything wrong with these kinds of jobs. Nor am I saying people seeking these services don’t deserve to be met with intelligence and courtesy. But in a market-driven economy, some things have to give.

If you want to walk into a store and pay under $1000 for a brand-new PC that’s roughly 10,000 times more powerful than those used to guide Apollo 11 to the moon, you’re going to have to accept that the place you’re buying it from can’t afford the overhead to hire people who can tell their heads from their asses (much less their hard drives from their RAM).

And if you’re going to get 1.5 Mbps broadband Internet access in your home for a little more than the cost of dial-up, and a tiny fraction of what businesses used to pay for T1 lines (in the “olden days” — about 3 weeks ago), your ISP also won’t be able to hire people to answer your phone call at 2 AM on a Saturday who have any skills beyond basic literacy so they can step through the phone script they’ve been given.

Accept it. Do the research yourself so you know what you want before you get there, and be glad you live in a world where electronics hardware and demeaning, thankless labor come cheap.

Damn Cords!

I love technology. Someone could call me a technophile and I would accept it as a compliment. But despite my love for all varieties of electronic gadgetry, you may be surprised to discover that I hate cords! In fact, I DESPISE them. They are always getting in the way, they always get tangled together, and if you leave a cord to its own devices (ha ha), it will, I guarantee, find a way to tie itself in a knot.

Not just any ordinary kind of knot, mind you, but a knot of such terrible complexity as to make the Gordian knot unravel itself in fear of a competing knot of such incomprehensible madness.

Solutions are on the way. The technology Apple markets as “AirPort” (and Apple’s name for it is all I care about) promises wireless networking anywhere in the home, and the new “Bluetooth” technology promises to allow us one day soon to connect peripheral devices to a computer merely by placing them in its vicinity.

That’s all well and good, but at the moment I still sit at my desk nervously, wondering if today is the day that the mad cord monster will animate and eat my legs. Today I still have several hundred feet worth of Cat-5 Ethernet cable strung all around my house, tucked into corners as neatly as it will tolerate, aggressively making its presence known in my living room, bedroom and basement.