Google Maps: from Here to There

Google MapsI found this on Digg, so it’s not like I’m on to something unique, but I got a good chuckle out of it. Apparently it’s 683 km from Here to There.

Also interesting to note that it’s much farther to Hell and Back. Or from Here to Eternity. Or even from Me to You.

Yeah, that last one’s a bit of a cheat; I didn’t realize ME was the country code for Montenegro. But it still works, even if you’re comparing Apples to Oranges.

OK, I’m done.

Version SNAFU

Today I updated WordPress for an “urgent security release,” and as usual there are unexpected side effects. For some reason now, my sliding sidebar panels no longer work. No JavaScript errors; they just don’t do anything. I blame a Scriptaculous update that is probably embedded within. I hope within the next 24 hours to diagnose and fix the problem, but for anyone (emphasis on “one”) who’s wondering why the panels aren’t working, here’s a semi-explanation.

Update (1/1/2008): File under SEU. I think the problem was simply that I needed to clear my cache. The first suspicion was aroused when I fired up MAMP, ran the site locally, and found that the sliders were working just fine. At any rate, I re-uploaded all of my theme files plus the Scriptaculous and prototype.js files, cleared my cache, and now it’s working.

Online privacy is an oxymoron

Big Brother is watching youAs I read this summary of complaints about some Google thing, it made me glad once again that I’ve made a reasonable effort to keep my truly private information to myself (as far as I know), and have always tried to keep in mind that anything I put into any Internet-based system, even if it’s supposed to be “private,” is something that could potentially be seen by eyes unknown to me.

Not that I disagree with the people who are pissed about this but… well, if it’s really sensitive information, don’t leave it in someone else’s database.

Sidebar enhancements

Sidebar screenshotYou may have noticed after the current site redesign that the sidebar panels now sport toggle buttons that allow you to open and close them with slick Scriptaculous sliding effects.

I’ve taken this a step further by using cookies to store your panels’ status, keeping the same panels opened or closed as you go from page to page (and between browser sessions… but since it’s client-side, it doesn’t follow you to different computers).

The next step will be to add handles, allowing you to change the order of the panels as well. Stay tuned! (Or not.)

For the geeks among you, I’ve facilitated all of this additional functionality by writing some object-oriented PHP for handling the panels. It’s much cleaner and less prone to error.