Benjamin Netanyahu “borrows” Obama’s website design

File under “Nothing New Under the Sun.” Barack Obama‘s website was a key factor in his electoral success, and the campaign of Israeli Prime Minister candidate (again) Benjamin Netanyahu is hoping to capitalize on that with a very close knockoff version of its own. Read more at the New York Times.


2 responses to “Benjamin Netanyahu “borrows” Obama’s website design”

  1. Wingless Avatar

    Except Bibi Netanyahu actually won the election (despite what Kadima will bicker) on the merits & robust pragmatism of his positions rather than his ‘celebrity status’… He was wayyy ahead in the polls long before the election because of the Left’s horrid ‘Peace Experiment’ that despite over a decade of lip-flapping has lead only to increased death-toll on both sides… The Oslo peace talks turned rock throwers into suicide bombers (how soon we forget, suicide bombing was a direct RESULT of the peace talks as Islamists sought to dismantle them!). The Lebanon withdrawal lead to a Hezbollah invasion, abduction and the Summer War. Leaving Gaza lead to 7000 rockets being fired at Israel… If this conflict is about land why has EVERY SINGLE ISRAELI CONCESSION LEAD TO AN *INCREASE* IN JEWISH DEATHS? (the reason? this conflict has nothing to do with land. Muhammed killed Jews and Khyber; the Ottomans treated Jews as second class citizens (Dhimmi) and Arabs were killing Jews long before the refounding of Israel (See 1929 Hebron, among many others)

    As for Obama and his ‘success’…
    What most shocked me about the “Obama-Heads” is that they knew so little about the man. Only tiny, miniscule (almost negligent) minority could even coherently explain the man’s positions beyond that meaningless buzz-word “change” (which has been the rallying cry of every candidate trying to unseat a party that has held power for a prolonged period…so nothing original there)… At the end of the day he’s the same-old-same-old politician, he’s no Messiah and his policies are not all that different. I am willing to bet that within 4 years (even within 8) America will NOT have public healthcare, there will still be soldiers in Iraq (rightfully so! Last time they abandoned the Iraqis under Bush Sr, thousands were massacred by Saddam! Yet it didn’t make it to CNN so most AMericans don’t realize! I

    If only curiosity, logic & critique were resurrected! Alas, the hallmarks of what made the West great have fallen from the present and into the annals of history… Sad…

  2. room34 Avatar

    I’m not going to pretend to be an expert or even to be reasonably well-informed about all of the details of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Although there’s plenty of (U.S.) politics on this blog, I’m first and foremost a web designer/developer and this post was merely an observation of a borrowed web design.