Now I just need a 2-liter bottle of Shasta…

Today I woke up with a couple of nerdy ranking lists floating around in my head. I suspect these will get expanded into YouTube videos in the near future, but for now, just the straight lists. These are my personal rankings of all Rush albums, and all Metroid games.

Rush Albums Ranked

It’s probably worth noting here that I got seriously into Rush when I was a freshman in high school, in 1989, so there’s a definite before-and-after feel going here. The stuff that already existed when I got into them seemed mythic and eternal; the stuff after that is all “the new stuff” to me, even though the oldest of “the new stuff” is now 33 years old… but when it came out, the band’s first album was only 16 years old. (As was I.)

  1. Moving Pictures (1981)
  2. Signals (1982)
  3. A Farewell to Kings (1977)
  4. Permanent Waves (1980)
  5. Grace Under Pressure (1984)
  6. Hemispheres (1978)
  7. Clockwork Angels (2012)
  8. Counterparts (1993)
  9. Snakes and Arrows (2007)
  10. Power Windows (1985)
  11. Caress of Steel (1975)
  12. 2112 (1976)
  13. Vapor Trails (2002)
  14. Hold Your Fire (1987)
  15. Fly by Night (1975)
  16. Rush (1974)
  17. Feedback (2004)
  18. Roll the Bones (1991)
  19. Presto (1990)
  20. Test for Echo (1996)

I suspect many Rush fans would criticize my low placement of 2112 but I stand by it. I just don’t think it’s that great. I find the side-long suite on Caress of Steel to be more musically and conceptually interesting, and the other tracks on Caress are much more interesting than the utterly forgettable side 2 of 2112. I couldn’t even remember all of the songs. (After really straining my brain muscle I was able to come up with “Tears,” but I had to look at Wikipedia to remember “Lessons.”) I even prefer “I Think I’m Going Bald” to most of the filler tracks on 2112.

The Live Albums

Yeah, Rush had a bunch of live albums too. Earlier on in their career, they had a nice formula of four studio albums, then a live album. After Neil’s life fell apart in the late ’90s with the deaths of his wife and daughter, and the band’s future became more uncertain, they started releasing a live album after every studio album, plus some other archival material, and things got messy. I’m not even sure I’m accounting for all of them here. Anyway, here’s the list:

  1. A Show of Hands (1989)
  2. Grace Under Pressure Tour (recorded 1984, released 2009)
  3. Exit… Stage Left (1981)
  4. Rush in Rio (2003)
  5. R40 Live (2015)
  6. Time Machine 2011: Live in Cleveland (2011)
  7. Clockwork Angels Tour (2013)
  8. R30 (2005)
  9. Snakes and Arrows Live (2008)
  10. All the World’s a Stage (1976)
  11. Different Stages (1998)

I have to give special recognition to Grace Under Pressure Tour, because when the DVD of that was finally released in 2009, and I watched it, my jaw dropped. I suddenly remembered that I had seen it on TV in 1985 and was mesmerized by it, but that was the only time TV or radio ever exposed me to Rush growing up. By the time I was in high school, I had all but forgotten it. (Which is to say, when a friend first played me a tape of A Show of Hands, I knew I had heard of Rush, but didn’t remember having ever heard them.)

Metroid Games Ranked

I’m almost as much of a Metroid nerd as I am a Rush nerd. As with Rush, my first taste of Metroid was pretty far removed from my obsession with it. The same friend who introduced me to Rush in high school also owned an NES (I didn’t), and I played Metroid a few times at his house. I was intrigued by this disturbing and immense underground world, but it was also disorienting and brutally difficult.

For various reasons I never owned or even played an SNES (Super Metroid was released when I was a junior in college), and I totally skipped the N64/PlayStation generation of consoles too, because… my god, those polygons and textures just plain sucked, and the games all looked like absolute ass. The GameCube drew me back in though — the first actual console I owned since my Atari 2600 (not counting an Atari 7800 I bought NOS from Radio Shack’s mail order catalog in the late ’90s) — and I was obsessed with Metroid Prime, the first Metroid game I truly experienced.

A year or two later I bought a Game Boy Advance SP, and played Zero Mission and Fusion, then of course Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, also on the GameCube. I loved all of those. The DS Metroid games were kind of crap though, and I could never get the hang of the Wii motion controls on Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Fortunately, the Wii also introduced the Virtual Console, and I finally got to experience the magic of Super Metroid. (That was also how I introduced my then 5-year-old son to the world of Metroid.)

After that, the Metroid franchise all but died out, because Nintendo seemed to actively try to kill it with misguided garbage like Other M and Federation Force.

And then came Samus Returns, on the 3DS. Ohhhhh man. That game scratched the itch. Needless to say, Metroid Dread carried on where that one left off, and I am eagerly awaiting Metroid Prime 4.

And now, the list:

  1. Metroid Dread (Switch)
  2. Super Metroid (SNES)
  3. Metroid Prime (GC)
  4. Metroid: Samus Returns (3DS)
  5. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (GC)
  6. Metroid: Zero Mission (GBA)
  7. Metroid Fusion (GBA)
  8. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii)
  9. Metroid Prime Pinball (DS)
  10. Metroid II: Return of Samus (GB)
  11. Metroid Prime: Hunters (DS)
  12. Metroid: Other M (Wii)
  13. Classic NES Series: Metroid (GBA)
  14. Metroid (NES)
  15. Metroid Prime: Federation Force (3DS)

Finally… just in case you didn’t get the reference in this post’s title:

Google is no longer a search engine

This is old news, but it’s a useful demonstration of what absolute garbage Google has become as a search engine. It is now an ad engine.

The scenario: I need to set up WordPress Multisite. I’ve done this several times, but since I only have to do the initial setup once every 2-3 years, it’s not something I have memorized. So… I google it! That’s what you do in the 21st century.

So, I went to Google and typed:

'WordPress Multisite installation' Google search

Now, the real solution to this that a smart search engine, which was designed for maximum usefulness as a search engine, would be to provide a link to the official WordPress documentation on the topic.

Is that what it returned? Of course not, silly! It returned four ads, which, depending on your window size, could take up the entire screen:

Google ad results
But then, the first “organic” result should be the official documentation, right?


The first organic result is a page from the dreadful, which is overflowing with the most verbose, poorly written, surface-level articles that are designed not to be genuinely useful but to ensure that Google’s search algorithm places them exactly where it did in these results.

Yes, of course, I did click the link, because I always do, and then I get annoyed with myself for falling into their trap. And is not much better… and also always near the top of the results.

Then, of course, before we finally get to the page I really was looking for, Google makes one last ditch effort to keep me from going where I want to go, by inserting its “People also ask” block, with quick answers scraped from real websites, designed specifically to keep you from actually venturing any deeper than Google’s search results page itself.

Thanks Google for doing your part to make the Internet suck.

P.S. What do you think happened when I clicked “I’m Feeling Lucky”?

I think I just had my first encounter with web push notifications and I HATE IT

What. The. F&#*.

I’ve just spent the past few minutes looking at several restaurants’ pages on OpenTable — because the restaurant company is one of my clients and I’m in the process of updating OpenTable links on their websites.

Each time I kept one of their OpenTable pages open for a minute or so, on my Mac, I would get a “Time Sensitive” notification pop-up on my iPad and my Apple Watch. I realized after the second or third time that some system had determined that it was time for me to leave if I was going to get to the restaurant in time for the reservation I hadn’t even made.


I would get it if I was heavily into the OpenTable “ecosystem,” but I don’t even have their app installed on any of my devices. I’m guessing it’s this new web push notifications thing. But… GAAAH!! I’m not even logged into OpenTable in my browser on any of these devices, or on my computer. Somehow Safari itself must be pushing these notifications to my devices.


Gruber thinks Apple is doing this to comply with increased regulatory scrutiny in the E.U. If that’s the case, it just once again proves that the only times governments seem to get involved in the dealings of tech companies is to make things worse, mainly because the people in government making these decisions don’t understand what the problem is, and they understand even less how to fix it. And don’t get me wrong, I am not some kind of techno-libertarian. I think tech companies do a lot of bad things that the government needs to regulate. But the people in government trying to do that just don’t get it.

I can tell you one thing. I absolutely do not want any website I visit, ever, to be able to send push notifications to my f&#*ing devices. Stop. Just stop.

Quick CSS fix for WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg) link hover color issue

The WordPress Block Editor (a.k.a. Gutenberg) makes it easy to set the text, background, and link colors on any block. But links can and often do have more than one color. And there’s no option here for setting the hover color. So what do you do in what, I think, may be a common situation, where you’re setting a background color on a block and making the link text white, but your theme’s link hover color is either the background color you’re switching to, or something way too close to it?

I’ve come up with a very tidy bit of CSS code that will make your link hover state match the custom link color — granted, you lose the UX of a unique color on hover state, but you gain necessary legibility and accessibility, which I guarantee is more important.

This may not work in every situation, but it’s so simple that it’s worth investigating as an option. With this code, any time you have a block that sets both a custom background color and a custom link color, it will ensure that the hover/focus state matches the custom link color:

main .has-background-color.has-link-color a:focus,
main .has-background-color.has-link-color a:hover
{ color: inherit; }

Update (April 4, 2023): Yeah, don’t do this. You can specify these colors in theme.json. I’m not sure if this is a recent addition, the documentation was previously lacking, or I just didn’t find it, but anyway… do this instead.