Taco Town

This is a couple years old now (I think… seems like it, anyway), but it’s one of my SNL favorites. You can’t beat the line, “Pizza! Now that’s what I call a taco!”

I also just wanted to see how well embedding videos from Hulu works.

I wish these video sites would start including wmode="transparent" in their embed code so I wouldn’t have to type it every time. (It needs to be there for the video to go behind my navigation bar when you scroll the page.)

A glimpse into the musical sketchbook

Last Friday night I spent a few hours playing around with some new musical ideas. I worked on some acoustic guitar parts for some earlier songs (including a possible re-recording of my 2003 track “Tai Chi for Oafs”), and I also worked on a couple of brand new ideas.

These may never see any further attention than what they got that night, and they’re presently fairly repetitive, but that’s why they fade out mercifully quickly. Enjoy! (Or not.)

Don’t Limit Me, Steve!
The working title of this track is aimed squarely at Mr. Jobs. As much as I love all things Apple, especially GarageBand, I do find it aggravating at times that the software makes you select a time signature, tempo and key before you can create a new song project. It makes it difficult to just play around with ideas because if you want to change any of these attributes, it permanently alters the playback of any tracks you’ve already recorded. I’ve retaliated by creating this song with an unnatural 11-bar chord progression and a bass riff that strangely hits a major 6th where the listener (myself included) would normally expect to hear a minor 7th.


Just a mellow electronic thing. And of course, given the name, I had to put some Mellotron in it.
