#rpm12 day 6: A quick one

I have a busy work day ahead, so no time for a lengthy reflection today. Just a quick stock-taking of where I am at this point in the challenge:

5 days in
9 finished tracks (not yet mastered)

With every sound produced by my iPhone. Far out.

I even have the cover art, featuring a photo I took yesterday at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chanhassen. I never managed to find out what that crazy looking pink flower is called. If you know, illuminate me in the comments!


3 responses to “#rpm12 day 6: A quick one”

  1. chris Avatar

    Holy crap! That’s awesome. Congrats! You going to spend the extra time mastering or are you going to do more tracks or a whole ‘nother RPM album?

  2. room34 Avatar

    I haven’t decided. I’m definitely not done.

    Most likely it’s going to be a combination. I want to give more attention to the mixing process this time around, and I am also planning to put extra effort into having the tracks flow one into the next. But I’m also still planning to record at least 5 more tracks — for some reason, I want to have at least 14 total.

    I may end up with an album that’s around 60 minutes. Or, I may decide to release two albums. Initially I had considered doing the main album plus a second of outtakes — the leftover bits of long improvisations, more experimental stuff, etc. — called The Way Out Takes. Not sure about that so much anymore though, partly because so far I don’t really have anything extra I’m not planning to use.

  3. room34 Avatar

    I should probably also point out that this accomplishment may not actually be as impressive as it sounds. At least 4 of these 9 tracks are basically improvisations, which took very little time to record (and, obviously, zero time to compose).