Yea, Barack Obama was elected, and the heavens did smile. But what of these state constitutional amendments banning gay marriage, (apparently) passed even in places such as California?
Yesterday was a major triumph for civil rights as race is concerned, 40-odd years on in the fight. The jubilation over that victory is tempered by the setbacks in today’s civil rights struggle, just as some real progress was starting to take shape. How many more decades will we drag out this fight before truths we should hold to be self-evident make themselves so?
3 responses to “One step forward, two steps back”
I was talking about this with someone last night. While we will see at least another 12 years of constant back-and-forths on the rights of gays in our country, the fact is they WILL get them. Last night’s election results are going to show everyone that the old ways, no matter how hard you cling to them, can never stand in the way of what we truly believe is right for our fellow man.
I am sad every time I heard about someone’s human rights being messed with, but every change has broken through a hard fight. Gay marriage is no exception to this.
Yeah, I know it’s going to happen eventually. I guess I just get frustrated because I don’t understand how people can’t see that this is just another antiquated bias like race or gender. I also cannot fathom how people can say that they believe in freedom and love America as the land of freedom, yet they think it’s OK to take away the freedom of others. The idea that gay marriage weakens the institution of marriage is bollocks. Let’s celebrate the fact that people love each other and want to make a commitment to be there for each other throughout the ups and downs of life. If anything weakens the institution of marriage, it’s forcing teenagers who’ve been taught abstinence-only, and then got pregnant, to get married and raise the kid, foisting the heavy burden of these kinds of adult responsibility on kids who can’t possibly be prepared to deal with them.
On an unrelated note, the CAPTCHA for this comment is: “be frolickers”. There’s a good idea.
My CAPTCHA is “producing rich”. A good sign for the economy?
My biggest problem with the anti-gay stuff, aside from the “anti”, is the so-called sanctity of marriage. They’ll support an adulterous divorcee yet they rail against monogamous homosexuals? They ignore the historical facts about marriage pre-church involvement, and say that it is a “holy union between a man and a woman”. Their arguments are rife with hypocrisy, and that is why they will eventually fail.
I’m confident that you and I will see the end of this un-American discrimination in our lifetime.