#rpm12 day 0: The plan

We’re on the cusp of yet another RPM Challenge. This will be my fifth year participating in the challenge, and my planned project this year should definitely be my most unique challenge to date.

As I’ve noted previously, this year I will be recording my album entirely using my iPhone. I will record some/most of the tracks into GarageBand on my Mac, and I will do further post-production with the Mac, but I’ll produce every sound with — or through — the iPhone.

As an added challenge for myself, usually I enter into a recording project with an overarching concept. This year, the only concept is that the iPhone is the instrument. Usually I come in with a clear set of song ideas or an overall compositional structure for an album, and quickly arrive at completed songs. (Last year, for instance, I had one song — “Spooncherry” — completely “in the can” by 4 AM on February 1.) This time around I am going to try to just record as much material as I can, in whatever form it may take, for the first half of the month, without working up any of it into a final state. And then I will spend the second half of the month sorting through the debris and trying to make sense of it all.

We’ll see.

I know I am not starting a revolution by making music on the iPhone. Plenty of people are doing a lot more with this than I am. I am just curious to see what I can produce. There is some precedent in my own work: I recorded the theme song to my podcast entirely on the iPhone (using the iPhone version of GarageBand), and earlier in January I recorded a 3-song EP on a Saturday afternoon.

It begins at midnight.

Parental guidance is suggested

I don’t write a lot here about the fact that I’m a parent. I certainly don’t try to hide it. I regularly tweet my 5-year-old daughter’s witticisms, and I post pictures of her and her 8-year-old brother on Instagram all the time. But I don’t blog about it because, well, I don’t really feel like I have that much of value to say on the matter.

I’m not a great parent. I’m not a bad parent, but I’m not one of those super-engaged, every-day-is-inspired-genius, my-children-are-the-center-of-my-universe Parents. I’m just a dude who’s married and has a couple of kids. We make sure they’re fed, bathed regularly, do their homework, brush their teeth, all of that stuff. On the weekends we try to take them out and do things that are fun, intellectually stimulating, or (ideally) both.

So, I get a passing grade in the parenting department. But whatever you do, don’t come looking to me for parenting advice.

We’re not exactly (tie-)dyed-in-the-wool hippies, but like Steven and Elyse Keaton, one of our biggest fears is probably that our son will grow up to want to wear suits to school and believe in trickle-down economics. Politically, we’re pretty far to the left (at least by U.S. standards). We value and respect a diversity of perspectives, and if we teach our kids anything in life we want it to be to respect other people, and ways of being that may be different from their own. We also want them to be independent thinkers and to question authority.

The problem then arises that we may be too reluctant to teach them our own perspectives and values and beliefs. I sometimes wonder where the line is between filling kids’ heads with (the wrong) ideas, and not filling their heads with anything at all. Where does a careful effort not to impose ways of thinking and being cross over into not encouraging them to think, period?

Our kids are smart. They’re excelling in school. Yet sometimes they seem to lack “common sense.” That idea of common sense can be a tricky one, and is something we are especially trying to avoid. Because while just about anyone can say it’s “common sense” not to put your hand on a hot stove, where does common sense stop being “common”; when does it stop making “sense”? There was a time when slavery was “common sense.” It’s still “common sense” to some people that women should make less money than men for doing the same work. We’re currently in the middle of a national struggle to overcome the idea that it’s “common sense” that gay couples shouldn’t enjoy the same rights as heterosexual couples. Common sense, in other words, is often shorthand for assumed prejudices, because it’s hard to argue with “common sense.”

Just yesterday, as our family walked home from the LRT station, we were discussing the fact that even though our kids are so “smart,” we still don’t trust them to do “common sense” things like cross the street by themselves. I mentioned how, from first grade on, I walked six blocks to school by myself (well, with a neighbor who also went to my school and was two years older). My parents knew that I could find my way safely to and from a location a half mile away, five days a week.

A couple of days ago, I overheard our kids in the living room, discussing whether or not they believed in ghosts, and I was dismayed when they agreed that, yes, they both believed in ghosts. What?! As a science-minded agnostic (leaning atheist, but absence of evidence does not constitute proof against), I was upset to hear this. But as a let-them-decide-for-themselves liberal parent, I said nothing. I was hoping that the fact that they even felt the need to question whether or not ghosts were real was a good enough start for now.

I grew up Lutheran. Went to church most Sundays, went to Sunday school through high school. Beyond religion, my parents imparted most of their beliefs about the world and how to live in it directly to me, without all of this namby-pamby moral relativism I’m using to hold back my subjective opinions on certain topics with my own kids. (Fortunately, they were — and are — die-hard Democrats.) I avoided burning my hands on the stove, or running out into the street in front of a moving car, not through my own independent discovery, but because my parents told me not to.

I do think we live in a time when parents are expected to allow their children to discover for themselves, and to treat them as precious snowflakes, rather than to teach them stern lessons about the cruel realities of the world. (And we’re seeing the results of that approach as a generation grows up and never leaves home.) At the same time, I wonder if perhaps we, specifically, are taking certain aspects of that philosophy too far, even as we intend to counteract it. Children do need guidance to learn how the world works. And trying too hard to avoid accidentally imparting your own unconscious prejudices on them might sometimes lead to not even teaching them those things that truly are “common sense,” but still need to be taught.

Migrating primary keys in a CakePHP site’s database from GUIDs to integers

If you are a CakePHP developer, and find yourself in a situation where your database is using GUIDs but you want to switch to using integer-based primary keys instead, this post will describe how I dealt with that exact situation. (Actually, the post will do that even if you’re not a CakePHP developer; it just probably won’t be of any interest to you.)

Some unnecessary background details you can skip if you’re in a hurry

I may be the only CakePHP developer silly enough ever to have used GUIDs (those crazy pseudo-unique 36-character hexadecimal strings) instead of plain auto-increment integers as primary keys. Maybe not. In any case, it only took me one CakePHP project to realize the folly of the approach and I quickly abandoned GUIDs on my second CakePHP site.

Now the time has come, nearly four years later, to finally update that first CakePHP site to the latest version of cms34. There will surely be numerous challenges involved in the upgrade, given the extensive evolution the system has undergone in the intervening years. But without a doubt the biggest, or at least the first, of those challenges is getting the data converted from using GUIDs to integer-based primary keys.

The reason I used GUIDs in the first place was that I have a few multi-purpose cross-reference tables in the structure, and I wanted to just be able to refer to a single ID field as a foreign key, without having to keep track of both the table/model and an integer ID. Kind of silly, in retrospect, especially since I quickly realized how important it was to be able to easily identify which table the foreign key pointed to. At the time I was singularly focused on trying to keep the database as stripped-down basic as possible, to a self-defeating point.

But my early CakePHP learning curve is a bit beside the point here. The goal of this post is to document the process I am undertaking to migrate the site, for the benefit of anyone else who finds themselves in a similar situation. (Hopefully, for you, the idiot who used GUIDs was not yourself.)

Step 1: Preliminary set-up

First, a qualifier: the way I am doing this will result in a lot of gaps in the sequence of integers used in the individual tables after the migration. If the actual values of your integer primary keys matters to you, you may not want to take this approach. I can’t imagine a reason why the values would really matter though.

The idea in this step is, in essence, to convert each GUID in the system into a unique integer that can be used later in the update process. There’s no reason why the integers have to be unique across tables any longer; it’s just that having a definitive reference, in a single table, of how each GUID maps to an integer will make some of the later steps in the process easier. If you are compelled not to skip numbers in individual tables, you could add an extra field called table_id, and increment table-specific IDs in that field. But that would require extra code in the next step, and it just seems like an extra complication without any real benefits.

Do not do any of this on a live site. Set up a duplicate copy of your site somewhere else, and do all of this conversion work there. Also discourage users from updating the existing site while you’re doing the migration, if possible. This conversion can be set up as a repeatable process, however, so you could always do some test runs, and then once you have everything working reliably, get a fresh dump of the live database again, minimizing downtime.

In your copy database, create all of the tables for your old database and load in the data. Also set up empty tables for the new database (which hopefully doesn’t have overlapping table names; if it does, add a prefix to the table names for the old database). Once you have both the old and new tables in your database, and the old tables loaded with data, you’re ready to proceed.

Step 2: Build and populate a GUID map table

Assuming you’re using MySQL, this will take care of it:

`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`table` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`guid` char(36) NOT NULL,

If you have adequate permissions to create the table from within a PHP script, you may as well start building one, because you’ll be adding to it next anyway:

// Connect to database (replace values as appropriate)
$db_name = 'database'; // Set to your database name
$dbconn = mysql_connect('localhost','username','password',true);
$db = mysql_select_db($db_name);

// Build guid_map table
mysql_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `guid_map` (
    `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `table` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `guid` char(36) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Next, you’ll want to build a PHP script that will crank through all of your old tables, grab all of the GUIDs, and write them into this new table. Here’s a snippet of PHP to get the job done. You’ll need to decide how you want to run it; it assumes a database connection is already established, so you could just drop it in as an action in one of your controllers or you could build a stand-alone PHP script and add the necessary database connection code at the top.

Note: This works with direct SQL queries, not CakePHP’s model methods. That’s just how I did it. Also, when I build PHP utilities like this, I run them in a browser and like to dump status information as basic HTML. If you prefer to run this at the command line, or don’t care about a verbose dump of the details, you could modify/remove any lines here that contain HTML.

// Clear current GUID map data (makes this process repeatable)
mysql_query('TRUNCATE TABLE guid_map');
if (mysql_error()) { echo '<p>' . mysql_error() . '</p>'; exit; }
echo '<p>GUID map cleared.</p>';

// Get tables
$old_prefix = 'old_'; // Set to prefix for old table names
$rs = mysql_query('SHOW TABLES');
$tables = array();
if (!empty($rs)) {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
        if (strpos($row[0],$old_prefix) === 0 && $row[0] != 'guid_map') {
            $tables[] = $row[0];

// Loop through tables, retrieving all GUIDs
foreach ((array)$tables as $table) {
    $sql = 'SELECT id FROM `' . $table . '`';
    $rs = mysql_query($sql);
    // Loop through rows, adding to GUID map
    $error_count = 0;
    $mapped_count = 0;
    if (mysql_num_rows($rs) > 0) {
        echo '<hr /><h3>Processing ' . mysql_num_rows($rs) . ' rows in table: ' . $table . '</h3>';
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
            $sql = 'INSERT INTO `guid_map` (`table`, `guid`) VALUES (\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($table) . '\', \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($row['id']) . '\');';
            if (mysql_error()) { echo '<p>' . mysql_error() . '</p>'; }
            else { $mapped_count++; }
        echo '<p>Mapped ' . $mapped_count . ' rows with ' . $error_count . ' error(s).</p>';
    else {
        echo '<p>No data rows found in table: ' . $table . '</p>';

Once you’ve run this script, your guid_map table will now contain a row for every row of every table in your database. And you now have an integer ID you can use for each of them. And what’s extra cool about it is that it’s repeatable. Run it as many times as you want. Get a new dump of data from the old site and run it again. Fun!

The next step is where things get a lot more complicated, and a lot more customized to your specific data structures. I’ll be using one of my actual data tables as an example, but bear in mind that your system is unlikely to match this schema exactly. This is just a demonstration to work from in building your own script.

Teaser: My least-readable blog post may be coming soon


I have a topic for an impending blog post that is likely to be my most arcane, geeky, unreadable post ever. Even if you know what I’m talking about. It will be the blog post equivalent of Metal Machine Music. Even I won’t be able to read it after it is written.

The topic: migrating the primary keys in a CakePHP site’s MySQL database from GUIDs to integers. I can’t wait.

File under “Don’t Make Me Do This Myself”: a comparison of “TTW” (Through The Web) WYSIWYG text editors

I really don’t want to have to spend time thinking about this, but there’s such a dearth of useful information out there on this topic — based on my searches of Google and Bing, which return little more than uncritical lists of 40+ different TTW text editors, usually displayed on such hideously designed or woefully outdated websites that I discount their validity on sight — that I feel compelled to step in.

The question today is TTW (through-the-web) WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) text editors. If all of that sounds like 10 letters of gibberish to you, feel free to stop here. But if you’re a web developer, especially of the custom CMS variety, you’re certainly aware of the situation: how do you give users of your system a usable tool that allows them to easily edit site content without having to muck around directly with HTML? (That is, after all, kind of the whole point of a CMS.)

It’s something I’ve struggled with for over a decade. At one point I was actually rolling my own. But that’s a little more JavaScript than I care to deal with directly, and I long ago left the project of building a WYSIWYG editor to those who really love that kind of thing.

That puts me in a position where I need to select the best available option for a pre-built, drop-in WYSIWYG editor. Fortunately things have come a long way in this regard over the past decade. I’ve been — more or less happily — using TinyMCE to solve this particular problem for the past 3-plus years. But lately “less happily” has been outweighing “more,” and I’ve been exploring my options.

So far the only viable alternative I’ve found (or had recommended to me) is CKEditor. It’s the successor to one of the really early TTW WYSIWYG editors, FCKEditor, which I tried ages ago and never really liked.

Today I took a major step forward with cms34, my custom CMS, by setting up a configurable site option that allows users to select the editor of their choice: TinyMCE, CKEditor, or raw HTML. As inclined as I am to use raw HTML myself, I’m giving CKEditor a whirl for now.

So far I am inclined to say CKEditor is just the remedy I’ve been looking for to cure my TinyMCE malaise. As good as TinyMCE is, it just gets a little wonky sometimes. It especially seems to have trouble figuring out where to put closing tags when you’re switching between block elements, and especially when you’re inserting new content. I find myself often switching to the HTML pane to fix its quirks manually, but I can’t expect clients to do that.

My experience with CKEditor is still pretty limited at this point, but I have to say I really like how it’s set up for customizing the interface (which buttons to show, especially), in addition to its better handling of switching between elements than TinyMCE. They’re both pretty similar, actually, in how they’re configured, and in the overall user experience. But CKEditor has a little more polish, a little more flexibility. It almost feels like “TinyMCE done right,” although perhaps it’s too early for me to make such a proclamation.

So, that’s it for me, for now. The only two options in this realm that I really have any experience with. I know there are others out there. Some may even be good. Even better than TinyMCE or CKEditor. What’s your favorite?