Tag: Script

  • How I migrated a client’s blog from Drupal to WordPress 3.0

    I just finished migrating a client’s blog from Drupal to WordPress 3.0. When I took on the project, I assumed there was a straightforward way to migrate content from Drupal to WordPress, but I was mistaken. Fortunately, there is a way, but it involves directly mucking about with the Drupal and WordPress databases. Never fear! There are some tools to help.

    After a bunch of research, I found the most comprehensive and up-to-date solution on Mike Smullin’s blog. It wasn’t that up-to-date, though, having been written over a year ago and targeted at WordPress 2.7. Some helpful comments on that post offered a few refinements, and I added a few of my own to accommodate the particular quirks of this client’s site.

    Since Mike Smullin (and D’Arcy Norman and Dave Dash before him) was so kind to share his work, I thought I should do the same. And so, I present my further refined SQL script for migrating Drupal data to a WordPress 3.0 site.


    # Changelog

    # 07.29.2010 – Updated by Scott Anderson / Room 34 Creative Services http://blog.room34.com/archives/4530
    # 02.06.2009 – Updated by Mike Smullin http://www.mikesmullin.com/development/migrate-convert-import-drupal-5-to-wordpress-27/
    # 05.15.2007 – Updated by D’Arcy Norman http://www.darcynorman.net/2007/05/15/how-to-migrate-from-drupal-5-to-wordpress-2/
    # 05.19.2006 – Created by Dave Dash http://spindrop.us/2006/05/19/migrating-from-drupal-47-to-wordpress/

    # This assumes that WordPress and Drupal are in separate databases, named 'wordpress' and 'drupal'.
    # If your database names differ, adjust these accordingly.

    # Empty previous content from WordPress database.
    TRUNCATE TABLE wordpress.wp_comments;
    TRUNCATE TABLE wordpress.wp_links;
    TRUNCATE TABLE wordpress.wp_postmeta;
    TRUNCATE TABLE wordpress.wp_posts;
    TRUNCATE TABLE wordpress.wp_term_relationships;
    TRUNCATE TABLE wordpress.wp_term_taxonomy;
    TRUNCATE TABLE wordpress.wp_terms;

    # If you're not bringing over multiple Drupal authors, comment out these lines and the other
    # author-related queries near the bottom of the script.
    # This assumes you're keeping the default admin user (user_id = 1) created during installation.
    DELETE FROM wordpress.wp_users WHERE ID > 1;
    DELETE FROM wordpress.wp_usermeta WHERE user_id > 1;

    # TAGS
    # Using REPLACE prevents script from breaking if Drupal contains duplicate terms.
    REPLACE INTO wordpress.wp_terms
        (term_id, `name`, slug, term_group)
            d.tid, d.name, REPLACE(LOWER(d.name), ' ', '_'), 0
        FROM drupal.term_data d
        INNER JOIN drupal.term_hierarchy h
        INNER JOIN drupal.term_node n
        WHERE (1
             # This helps eliminate spam tags from import; uncomment if necessary.
             # AND LENGTH(d.name) < 50

    INSERT INTO wordpress.wp_term_taxonomy
        (term_id, taxonomy, description, parent)
            d.tid `term_id`,
            'post_tag' `taxonomy`,
            d.description `description`,
            h.parent `parent`
        FROM drupal.term_data d
        INNER JOIN drupal.term_hierarchy h
        INNER JOIN drupal.term_node n
        WHERE (1
             # This helps eliminate spam tags from import; uncomment if necessary.
             # AND LENGTH(d.name) < 50

    # POSTS
    # Keeps private posts hidden.
    INSERT INTO wordpress.wp_posts
        (id, post_author, post_date, post_content, post_title, post_excerpt,
        post_name, post_modified, post_type, `post_status`)
            n.nid `id`,
            n.uid `post_author`,
            FROM_UNIXTIME(n.created) `post_date`,
            r.body `post_content`,
            n.title `post_title`,
            r.teaser `post_excerpt`,
            IF(SUBSTR(a.dst, 11, 1) = '/', SUBSTR(a.dst, 12), a.dst) `post_name`,
            FROM_UNIXTIME(n.changed) `post_modified`,
            n.type `post_type`,
            IF(n.status = 1, 'publish', 'private') `post_status`
        FROM drupal.node n
        INNER JOIN drupal.node_revisions r
        LEFT OUTER JOIN drupal.url_alias a
            ON a.src = CONCAT('node/', n.nid)
        # Add more Drupal content types below if applicable.
        WHERE n.type IN ('post', 'page', 'blog')

    # Fix post type; http://www.mikesmullin.com/development/migrate-convert-import-drupal-5-to-wordpress-27/#comment-17826
    # Add more Drupal content types below if applicable.
    UPDATE wordpress.wp_posts
        SET post_type = 'post'
        WHERE post_type IN ('blog')

    # Set all pages to "pending".
    # If you're keeping the same page structure from Drupal, comment out this query
    # and the new page INSERT at the end of this script.
    UPDATE wordpress.wp_posts SET post_status = 'pending' WHERE post_type = 'page';

    INSERT INTO wordpress.wp_term_relationships (object_id, term_taxonomy_id)
        SELECT DISTINCT nid, tid FROM drupal.term_node

    # Update tag counts.
    UPDATE wp_term_taxonomy tt
        SET `count` = (
            SELECT COUNT(tr.object_id)
            FROM wp_term_relationships tr
            WHERE tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id

    # Keeps unapproved comments hidden.
    # Incorporates change noted here: http://www.mikesmullin.com/development/migrate-convert-import-drupal-5-to-wordpress-27/#comment-32169
    INSERT INTO wordpress.wp_comments
        (comment_post_ID, comment_date, comment_content, comment_parent, comment_author,
        comment_author_email, comment_author_url, comment_approved)
            nid, FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp), comment, thread, name,
            mail, homepage, ((status + 1) % 2)
        FROM drupal.comments

    # Update comments count on wp_posts table.
    UPDATE wordpress.wp_posts
        SET `comment_count` = (
            SELECT COUNT(`comment_post_id`)
            FROM wordpress.wp_comments
            WHERE wordpress.wp_posts.`id` = wordpress.wp_comments.`comment_post_id`

    # Fix images in post content; uncomment if you're moving files from "files" to "wp-content/uploads".
    # UPDATE wordpress.wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, '"/files/', '"/wp-content/uploads/');

    # Fix taxonomy; http://www.mikesmullin.com/development/migrate-convert-import-drupal-5-to-wordpress-27/#comment-27140
    UPDATE IGNORE wordpress.wp_term_relationships, wordpress.wp_term_taxonomy
        SET wordpress.wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = wordpress.wp_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id
        WHERE wordpress.wp_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = wordpress.wp_term_taxonomy.term_id


    # These are NEW categories, not in Drupal. Add as many sets as needed.
    INSERT IGNORE INTO wordpress.wp_terms (name, slug)
        ('First Category', 'first-category'),
        ('Second Category', 'second-category'),
        ('Third Category', 'third-category')

    # Set category names to title case (in case term already exists [as a tag] in lowercase).
    UPDATE wordpress.wp_terms SET name = 'First Category' WHERE name = 'first category';
    UPDATE wordpress.wp_terms SET name = 'Second Category' WHERE name = 'second category';
    UPDATE wordpress.wp_terms SET name = 'Third Category' WHERE name = 'third category';

    # Add categories to taxonomy.
    INSERT INTO wordpress.wp_term_taxonomy (term_id, taxonomy)
        ((SELECT term_id FROM wp_terms WHERE slug = 'first-category'), 'category'),
        ((SELECT term_id FROM wp_terms WHERE slug = 'second-category'), 'category'),
        ((SELECT term_id FROM wp_terms WHERE slug = 'third-category'), 'category')

    # Auto-assign posts to category.
    # You'll need to work out your own logic to determine strings/terms to match.
    # Repeat this block as needed for each category you're creating.
    INSERT IGNORE INTO wordpress.wp_term_relationships (object_id, term_taxonomy_id)
        SELECT DISTINCT p.ID AS object_id,
            (SELECT tt.term_taxonomy_id
            FROM wordpress.wp_term_taxonomy tt
            INNER JOIN wordpress.wp_terms t USING (term_id)
            WHERE t.slug = 'enter-category-slug-here'
            AND tt.taxonomy = 'category') AS term_taxonomy_id
        FROM wordpress.wp_posts p
        WHERE p.post_content LIKE '%enter string to match here%'
        OR p.ID IN (
            SELECT tr.object_id
            FROM wordpress.wp_term_taxonomy tt
            INNER JOIN wordpress.wp_terms t USING (term_id)
            INNER JOIN wordpress.wp_term_relationships tr USING (term_taxonomy_id)
            WHERE t.slug IN ('enter','terms','to','match','here')
            AND tt.taxonomy = 'post_tag'

    # Update category counts.
    UPDATE wp_term_taxonomy tt
        SET `count` = (
            SELECT COUNT(tr.object_id)
            FROM wp_term_relationships tr
            WHERE tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id

    INSERT IGNORE INTO wordpress.wp_users
        (ID, user_login, user_pass, user_nicename, user_email,
        user_registered, user_activation_key, user_status, display_name)
            u.uid, u.mail, NULL, u.name, u.mail,
            FROM_UNIXTIME(created), '', 0, u.name
        FROM drupal.users u
        INNER JOIN drupal.users_roles r
            USING (uid)
        WHERE (1
            # Uncomment and enter any email addresses you want to exclude below.
            # AND u.mail NOT IN ('test@example.com')

    # Assign author permissions.
    # Sets all authors to "author" by default; next section can selectively promote individual authors
    INSERT IGNORE INTO wordpress.wp_usermeta (user_id, meta_key, meta_value)
            u.uid, 'wp_capabilities', 'a:1:{s:6:"author";s:1:"1";}'
        FROM drupal.users u
        INNER JOIN drupal.users_roles r
            USING (uid)
        WHERE (1
            # Uncomment and enter any email addresses you want to exclude below.
            # AND u.mail NOT IN ('test@example.com')
    INSERT IGNORE INTO wordpress.wp_usermeta (user_id, meta_key, meta_value)
            u.uid, 'wp_user_level', '2'
        FROM drupal.users u
        INNER JOIN drupal.users_roles r
            USING (uid)
        WHERE (1
            # Uncomment and enter any email addresses you want to exclude below.
            # AND u.mail NOT IN ('test@example.com')

    # Change permissions for admins.
    # Add any specific user IDs to IN list to make them administrators.
    # User ID values are carried over from Drupal.
    UPDATE wordpress.wp_usermeta
        SET meta_value = 'a:1:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";}'
        WHERE user_id IN (1) AND meta_key = 'wp_capabilities'
    UPDATE wordpress.wp_usermeta
        SET meta_value = '10'
        WHERE user_id IN (1) AND meta_key = 'wp_user_level'

    # Reassign post authorship.
    UPDATE wordpress.wp_posts
        SET post_author = NULL
        WHERE post_author NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM wordpress.wp_users)

    # If your Drupal site uses the content_field_video table to store links to YouTube videos,
    # this query will insert the video URLs at the end of all relevant posts.
    # WordPress will automatically convert the video URLs to YouTube embed code.
    UPDATE IGNORE wordpress.wp_posts p, drupal.content_field_video v
        SET p.post_content = CONCAT_WS('\n',post_content,v.field_video_embed)
        WHERE p.ID = v.nid

    # If your Drupal site uses the content_field_image table to store images associated with posts,
    # but not actually referenced in the content of the posts themselves, this query
    # will insert the images at the top of the post.
    # HTML/CSS NOTE: The code applies a "drupal_image" class to the image and places it inside a <div>
    # with the "drupal_image_wrapper" class. Add CSS to your WordPress theme as appropriate to
    # handle styling of these elements. The <img> tag as written assumes you'll be copying the
    # Drupal "files" directory into the root level of WordPress, NOT placing it inside the
    # "wp-content/uploads" directory. It also relies on a properly formatted <base href="" /> tag.
    # Make changes as necessary before running this script!
    UPDATE IGNORE wordpress.wp_posts p, drupal.content_field_image i, drupal.files f
        SET p.post_content =
                    '<div class="drupal_image_wrapper"><img src="files/',
                    '" class="drupal_image" /></div>'
        WHERE p.ID = i.nid
        AND i.field_image_fid = f.fid
        AND (
            f.filename LIKE '%.jpg'
            OR f.filename LIKE '%.jpeg'
            OR f.filename LIKE '%.png'
            OR f.filename LIKE '%.gif'

    # Fix post_name to remove paths.
    # If applicable; Drupal allows paths (i.e. slashes) in the dst field, but this breaks
    # WordPress URLs. If you have mod_rewrite turned on, stripping out the portion before
    # the final slash will allow old site links to work properly, even if the path before
    # the slash is different!
    UPDATE wordpress.wp_posts
        SET post_name =

    # Miscellaneous clean-up.
    # There may be some extraneous blank spaces in your Drupal posts; use these queries
    # or other similar ones to strip out the undesirable tags.
    UPDATE wordpress.wp_posts
        SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content,'<p> </p>','')
    UPDATE wordpress.wp_posts
        SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content,'<p class="italic"> </p>','')

    # If your site will contain new pages, you can set up the basic structure for them here.
    # Once the import is complete, go into the WordPress admin and copy content from the Drupal
    # pages (which are set to "pending" in a query above) into the appropriate new pages.
    INSERT INTO wordpress.wp_posts
        (`post_author`, `post_date`, `post_date_gmt`, `post_content`, `post_title`,
        `post_excerpt`, `post_status`, `comment_status`, `ping_status`, `post_password`,
        `post_name`, `to_ping`, `pinged`, `post_modified`, `post_modified_gmt`,
        `post_content_filtered`, `post_parent`, `guid`, `menu_order`, `post_type`,
        `post_mime_type`, `comment_count`)
        (1, NOW(), NOW(), 'Page content goes here, or leave this value empty.', 'Page Title',
        '', 'publish', 'closed', 'closed', '',
        'slug-goes-here', '', '', NOW(), NOW(),
        '', 0, 'http://full.url.to.page.goes.here', 1, 'page', '', 0)

    A few notes and suggestions:

    • Use at your own risk. I’m just sharing the code I used. In fact, it’s not even exactly the code I used, since I had to generalize a few things for mass consumption. I haven’t even tested this modified version. I make no guarantees as to its reliability or applicability to your particular implementation.
    • Download the script below; don’t just copy-paste the code from the block above. I had to apply some HTML formatting to make it look right, and this might result in bad characters that would break the script if run as-is above.
    • Always work with a test copy of your database before altering live site content. In theory this script can be run over and over again cleanly, but it will erase whatever data was already in the WordPress database, and there will be no way to get it back unless you have a backup.
    • Read through the code carefully, especially all comments before running the script. Most likely you will need to make some changes to the code.
    • Good luck! If you find bugs or develop further improvements, please comment below!

    Download the Script

    Download zip file... Drupal-to-WordPress Migration Script
    drupal-to-wordpress.sql.zip • 4.8 KB

  • Resizing and regenerating WordPress upload thumbnails

    WordPressFor quite some time, I’ve been wishing the thumbnail images WordPress creates when you upload an image were slightly bigger. The function that generates the thumbnails accepts a maximum dimension as an input parameter, but then the value (a paltry 128 pixels) is hardcoded in the script that calls the function, and there’s no way in the standard WordPress configuration to change the value, other than manually editing the admin script where the call is made.

    This is easy enough to do, if you know how to find the block of code in question, but it’s wrong wrong wrong in terms of ongoing WordPress updates: when a new version is released and you update your files, the changes you made will be lost.

    So the right way to go about this is with a plug-in, and fortunately there is one. It’s simple and it works. Except for the fact that it doesn’t regenerate any of your existing thumbnails.

    Maybe there’s something else out there, but I wasn’t able to find one, so I had to resort to rolling my own.

    The script is incredibly rudimentary right now. It’s not a plug-in, it doesn’t interface with WordPress admin at all, setting the file path and dimensions require manually editing variable values in the script, there’s no security, etc. It does seem to work though, which is the most important thing. There were a few bugs earlier on that I believe I’ve squashed, but I can’t guarantee there aren’t others, and given how quickly I put it together this afternoon, with kids screaming and car dealerships calling me every 3 minutes (yeah, that’s another blog post), it’s probably not quite as efficient as it could be. (That’s why I cranked up the max_execution_time and memory_limit values. YMMV depending on how many files you have to process.)

    As long as you understand that you’re using it at your own risk, feel free to download the script. In order for it to work it should be placed in your wp-admin directory. And remember, it’s not secured at all, so I recommend uploading it, running it, and then deleting it. (Well, now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure including admin.php does automatically provide standard admin security, but don’t quote me on that.)

    If I have the time and if anyone actually cares, I’ll update this and turn it into a proper plug-in with all of the attendant niceties. Otherwise… well… never mind!

  • Web 2.0 — opening up a whole new world of Internet Explorer quirks!

    Just when I needed it least, Internet Explorer has thrown me another curveball.

    I’m hard at work trying to seem like less of a 20th Century web dinosaur by acquiring new skills with these techniques that are loosely lumped together into what some call “Web 2.0.” Key among these is an approach called AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). Fun stuff. I’ve been working for the past several days on an interactive registration form for a site at work, using AJAX. Of course, as usual, I’m plugging away in Safari and Firefox, but eventually I decided to check out how things are looking in Internet Explorer.

    [When I figure out an emoticon that represents my head exploding, I’ll insert it here.]

    IE is consistently barfing on what it claims is a syntax error that I eventually tracked down to the evalScripts function in prototype.js. Well, at least it’s not my own code that’s making it crap out this time. Or is it? With IE you never can tell. Maybe evalScripts is buggy (even though I can find no evidence to that effect) or maybe it’s just the code in my script that’s being thrown at it. Whatever the case, once again all forward progress has come to a grinding halt while I scour the Internet fruitlessly for a solution.

    Although this turned out not to be a solution to my problem, I just have to refer you to this developer’s blog entry on a typical IE workaround. Yes, I tried this, even though I was almost positive his problem was completely unrelated to my own (which was the case). Nevertheless, when a problem does arise in IE, the most likely eventual result of one or more days’ worth of sleuthing is the resigned acceptance of such hokey code bloat, rather than anything even remotely satisfying (or even logical).

    There you have it. As for my own problem using prototype.js with IE, I did find a solution. Yes, it was my code, and it was something I had seen previously that was pretty much staring me in the face, if I had just bothered to heed Thomas Fuchs’s sage advice.

    It all comes down to standard practice for wrapping <script> tags in HTML. I still have the habit of doing it this way:


    The funny thing about that is that I know it’s completely pointless these days. It’s done so that browsers that don’t support JavaScript don’t inadvertently display the JavaScript code in the web page. But every browser has supported JavaScript since about 1997, so it’s pretty ridiculous to keep doing that. Especially given that, the way the sites I’m working on are so utterly dependent upon JavaScript, you’d never even get to the page in question without it.

    However, with XMLHttpRequest (which is at the heart of AJAX), and just the increasing complexity of JavaScript in general, it’s become necessary to wrap script code in a new tag to ensure that browsers handle the code properly. To wit:

    // <![CDATA[
    // ]]>

    Just as Thomas Fuchs said. And just as has been lingering in the back of my mind for the past several weeks, since I first discovered his wonderful tool based on prototype.js, Scriptaculous. I’ve learned my lesson.