iPhone Gaming Review ’12 (Part 1): Reflections on the state of iPhone gaming in early 2012

Some background, for perspective

My all-time favorite video games (Atari era: Yars’ Revenge, H.E.R.O.; Metroid Prime, Zelda Minish Cap, New Super Mario Bros., Portal, Burnout series, Age of Empires series)

The good

Inexpensive games
Always in your pocket
All games are directly on the system; no cartridges, cards or discs
Touch controls are getting much better and lead to some inventive gameplay
Good technical capabilities
Huge selection

The bad

Most of the games are crap (but that’s the case with any system)
Low average price means most games are targeted at that price
In-app purchase and social gaming models lead to bad gameplay
A lot of games lack polish, even from the “big” game companies
Hard to find good games

My almost essential iPhone games

The most disappointing games (just to end on a down note)

Rod Hilton saves Star Wars

I linked to this on Twitter this morning, but it’s cool enough (and, dare I say, to the extent that Star Wars can be considered “important,” important enough) to link to here as well, just so it doesn’t vanish into the social networking ether.

Rod Hilton has devised an ingenious viewing order for the complete Star Wars saga. OK, actually not the complete saga, but what could come to be viewed as the definitive saga. He makes a compelling case for shuffling up the order a bit, and for removing The Phantom Menace entirely.

The ultimate sequence he devises is as follows:

  • Episode IV: A New Hope (or, more properly, Star Wars)
  • Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
  • Episode II: Attack of the Clones
  • Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
  • Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

I’ll leave it to Hilton to explain in detail how he arrived at this solution, along with its (mostly) pros and (few, minor) cons. The whole post is definitely worth reading and I look forward to watching the “complete” saga in this order soon.